Is the Attack on Abortion Rights Backfiring in the South?
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on August 5th, 2014 11:08 pm by HL
Is the Attack on Abortion Rights Backfiring in the South?
From: Dani McClain
Alabama’s backdoor abortion ban was just declared unconstitutional. Will this decision send a message to anti-choice legislators elsewhere?
Great War: The View From America at the Start of World War I
From: Back Issues
The Nation recognized that US isolation would be tested as never before, but didn’t even consider intervention as a possibility.
What’s Behind the Media’s Ebola Sensationalism?
From: Leslie Savan
Ebola is a symbol to the political right of all the Third World horrors that liberals are inviting past the walls of our city on the hill.
By John Boehner’s Logic, a Lot of Presidents Should Have Been Sued
From: John Nichols
Republicans are suing the president for doing what presidents do.
Circular Debate: Special Israel/Palestine Edition
From: Tom Tomorrow
Debates about Israel’s war in Gaza tend to follow a predictable pattern.