America’s Lost Oomph
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on July 21st, 2014 11:08 pm by HL
Hillary Clinton Is Probably Finished
Robert Merry, Washington Times
Hillary Clinton isn’t likely ever to become president of the United States. In fact, there is a greater possibility than is generally recognized by the Washington cognoscenti that she won’t even run. If she does, though, the barriers she faces will prove overwhelming. Her 2008 campaign was her last good shot for the office, and she failed. Since then, numerous developments have conspired steadily to diminish her prospects. Those prospects are now near zero.
It’s Not Kerry’s Fault the World Blew Up Last Week
Josh Keating, Slate
Tunnels Matter More Than Rockets to Hamas
Michael Mukasey, WSJ
Early in the current clash between Hamas and Israel, much of the drama was in the air. The Palestinian terrorist group launched hundreds of rockets at Israel, and Israel responded by knocking down rockets in the sky with its Iron Dome defense system and by bombing the rocket-launch sites in Gaza. But the real story has been underground. Hamas’s tunnels into Israel are potentially much more dangerous than its random rocket barrages.