Celebrating Checks and Balances
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on July 1st, 2014 11:08 pm by HL
Celebrating Checks and Balances
Scott Rasmussen, RealClearPolitics
Last week, the Supreme Court issued a unanimous ruling against the president’s right to get around Congress by making recess appointments. This is frustrating to President Barack Obama at the moment and will undoubtedly aggravate some future Republican president. The New Yorker’s Jeffrey Toobin wrote that this ruling will “make the government function less well, less justly, and less democratically than it does now.” Disappointed, he concluded, “maybe the problem isn’t the Justices; it’s the Constitution.” Other unanimous decisions protected…
What Your Own Eyes Should Tell Ypu
Richard Cohen, RealClearPolitics
A friend of mine worked for a small-town newspaper years ago and had to write the weather report. The county fair was approaching but the prediction was for rain. So the editors, fearing the wrath of local merchants, ordered my friend to change “rainy” to “sunny.” That was the newspaper’s policy. It has since been adopted by much of the Republican Party. It is a stunning thing, when you think about it — GOP conservatives adopting a position of studied ignorance or, to put it more humorously, a version of what Chico Marx said in “Duck Soup”: “Well, who you gonna believe, me or your own…