Giving Up on God (Sort Of)
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on December 4th, 2008 5:28 am by HL
Giving Up on God (Sort Of)
Do we need God in politics? Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker recently penned a provocative column titled “Giving Up on God,” wherein she suggested that the Republican Party ditch G-O-D. The piece so rankled James Dobson (Ph.D. in divine insight) that he compared Parker to that seditious bum Benedict Arnold. Among factions of conservatism, there is a general willingness to coexist and — sporadically — win elections. Dobson, conversely, employs a saintly litmus test that marginalizes large swaths of his own party. He has redefined “traditional values,” an essential ingredient for Republican victory, to mean illogical rigidity.