A Profile in Nit-picking
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on October 15th, 2008 4:35 am by HL
A Profile in Nit-picking
I wrote here yesterday that McCain and the Republicans are forcing smart conservative and neo-conservative Republicans like New York Times columnist David Brooks to choose between their intellectual/moral self-respect and their ideological and partisan loyalties. William F. Buckley’s son Christopher…
A Day At The Congressional Races
Here’s today’s run-down of the Congressional races: Mahoney’s Re-Election Chances Downgraded In a move that shouldn’t really surprise anybody, the pundits are reclassifying Congressman Tim Mahoney’s (D-FL) re-election chances in the wake of revelations that he had an affair with…
New Obama Radio Ad Pushes Back On Ayers Smear
The Obama campaign goes up with a new radio ad in Wisconsin pushing back in detail on the William Ayers smear — the first spot, to our knowledge, that mentions Ayers by name: Click To Play The spot offers the…
GOP Senator’s Ad: Gay Guys In Village People Garb Support My Opponent
Check out this new ad from Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS), who is facing a tough challenge from former Gov. Ronnie Musgrove (D). This ad ties Musgrove, who is a pro-life social conservative and economic populist, to the liberal Democratic leadership…