Buyers of bogus degrees named
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on July 31st, 2008 4:34 am by HL
Buyers of bogus degrees named
Hundreds of people working in the military, government and education are on a list of almost 10,000 people who spent $7.3 million buying phony and counterfeit high school and college degrees from a Spokane diploma mill. The complete list of buyers, which the U.S. Department of Justice has refused to release to the public, has been obtained by The Spokesman-Review.
Blog: Another race hoax exposed?
Meet Nick Kasoff of Ferguson, Mo. (a suburb of St. Louis). He is a former radio talk show host and a home-computer consultant. He owns rental properties. Mr. Kasoff is also politically active. He was a delegate to the Missouri Republican convention in May. Kasoff supported Ron Paul, but now he’s backing John McCain. “At this point, I will do whatever I can to prevent socialist Barak Obama from being elected as President,” he wrote…