Grand New Party
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on June 28th, 2008 4:45 am by HL
Grand New Party
David Brooks: “There have been other outstanding books on how the G.O.P. can rediscover its soul (like Comeback by David Frum), but if I could put one book on the desk of every Republican officeholder, Grand New Party would be it. You can discount my praise because of my friendship with the authors, but this is the best single roadmap of where the party should and is likely to head.”
“Several years ago, Tim Pawlenty, the Minnesota governor, said the Republicans should be the party of Sam’s Club, not the country club. This line is the animating spirit of Grand New Party. Douthat and Salam argue that the Republicans rode to the majority because of support from the Reagan Democrats, and if the party has a future, it will be because it understands the dreams and tribulations of working-class Americans.”
Time Poll Shows Small Bounce for Obama
Sen. Barack Obama enters the fall campaign with a tight lead, 43% to 38%, over Sen. John McCain, according to a new Time magazine poll of registered voters. The poll shows Obama gaining only a slight bounce from Hillary Clinton’s departure from the campaign early this month.
“When undecided voters leaning towards Obama and McCain are accounted for, the race narrows to a mere 4 percentage points, barely above the poll’s 3.5% margin of error. Thirty percent of those who remain undecided said they lean towards McCain, 20% said they were leaning toward Obama with 46% citing no preference. Overall, 28% said they could still change their minds in the four months left before the November election.”
CQ Politics: Wild differences in national polls explained.