Dennis Kucinich Speaks with Washington Post
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on October 18th, 2007 9:52 am by HL
Election ’08: Talk with the Candidates’
Washington Post
Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Good morning everyone, this is Dennis Kucinich, I’m looking forward to this chat and to explain why I alone out of all Democratic candidates I alone will lead to peace, prosperity, health care and jobs for all. I thank you very much for participating.
Fort Worth, Texas: With your rock-solid positions on the war in Iraq and healthcare — for example, your recent vote against the proposed government catastrophic health care coverage for children because as you said, it didn’t go far enough– you seem to represent, perhaps more than any other candidate, the idealistic bedrock of the Democratic Party. But given the complexity of governing the United States, if you become president, don’t you think that you will have to show more ability to compromise than that?
HL’s Take Read the whole Interview, and you will see Dennis is the only candidate worth voting for. Don’t forget about Dennis’ fundraiser and speech in Sierra Madre this Saturday. Scroll down to the big green Dennis pic for all the details
October 19th, 2007 at 1:01 am
[…] HL placed an interesting blog post on Dennis Kucinich Speaks with Washington PostHere’s a brief overviewElection ‘08: Talk with the Candidates’. Washington Post Excerpt Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Good morning everyone, this is Dennis Kucinich, I’m looking forward to this chat and to explain why I alone out of all Democratic candidates I alone … […]
October 22nd, 2007 at 11:26 am
and just what is it that he stands for other than the government controling more of your life. Half the questions that he was asked he never answered
October 24th, 2007 at 3:50 pm
dennis you are unfit to run a lemonade stand much less America.
November 4th, 2007 at 5:08 pm
kookich says he seen a UFO in Washington state, and thinks that the Bush family is crazy, wow talk about the pot calling the kettle black huh?
November 13th, 2007 at 6:50 pm
My cat’s litter box would be a better leader than that wimp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!