Police Attack Peaceful Protesters as Bush Visits Sydney
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on September 10th, 2007 7:53 am by HL
Peaceful Sydney Anti-Bush, Anti-Iraq Shattered By Police Violence : “That’s The Way We Do Business Now”
The Orstrahyun
Of the more than 6000-8000 who marched, all but a few dozen protested peacefully, without violence or aggression. More than half of all protesters were women, hundreds of elderly people marched, joined by hundreds of families, with young children.
But the 2500 police deployed, backed by a full riot squad, a water cannon, backpacks full of pepper spray, dogs and snipers in a helicopter hovering above the crowd, were pumped for the long promised “worst riots ever seen in Sydney.” A promise made only by the police and state government ministers over the past few weeks.
Protesters were wrestled to the ground, put in headlocks, had their arms twisted up behind their backs, had knees rammed into their spines and, in a number of assaults by police, were punched in the back and neck with a flurry of hard blows while being held down. Few of those assaulted and beaten displayed any resistance at all…
An accountant, who crossed the street in the wrong place, was slammed onto the footpath and had his face rammed into the ground by at least six police officers. His young son stood nearby, clearly trembling in fear, as police wrestled the man who offered up no resistance, except to protect his glasses. He was held in a police cell for 22 hours and was denied contact with his lawyer and family members. Police didn’t return his glasses until after he was released from custody.