8 More Soldiers Dead While Deserter Bush Defends War on Memorial Day
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on May 29th, 2007 6:06 am by HL
Military: 8 Memorial Day deaths in Iraq
BAGHDAD – Eight American soldiers were killed in roadside bombings and a helicopter crash in a restive province north of Baghdad, the military reported Tuesday, making May the deadliest month of the year for U.S. troops in Iraq.
In other violence, three German computer consultants were kidnapped Tuesday from an Iraqi Finance Ministry office in Baghdad, an Iraqi government official said, and two car bombings killed 40 people in the capital, police said.
The Americans — all from Task Force Lightning — were killed Monday in Diyala as the U.S. commemorated Memorial Day, bringing the number of U.S. forces killed this month to at least 110.