Obama Needs Much Larger Room Then Hilary For Speech in Louisiana
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on May 6th, 2007 7:35 am by HL
Barack Obama, and Hilary Clinton both gave speeches in the same place in Baton Rouge La. Yesterday. Obama who spoke later in the day had to have his speech moved to a much larger room to accommodate the crowds that came to see him. He is currently the front runner for President. I wonder if Hilary would accept a Vice Presidential role, if it came to that. Then she could still get Bill involved. Might be a nice ticket. Of course both candidates slammed Bush on Katrina. Which had to be the worst domestic blunder by any President ever.
Clinton, Obama criticize Bush on Katrina
S. Florida Sun Sentinel
BATON ROUGE, La. — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton criticized the Bush administration’s response to Hurricane Katrina and pledged Saturday to funnel more federal aid to the still-recovering Gulf Coast if elected.
Speaking to the National Conference of Black Mayors, Clinton and Sen. Sen. Barack Obama both took President Bush to task, although Obama focused mostly on the Iraq war and Clinton on domestic issues.
Clinton and Obama are leading the pack in early polls measuring the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Clinton said she was angered when she saw images of New Orleans residents on their rooftops, begging to be rescued from the floodwaters that followed the August 2005 hurricane. She said Bush’s response was a display of “incompetence.”
“It is a great injustice that you would deny the resources to your own people, but that shouldn’t surprise us, because many people are invisible to this president,” she said in a morning speech punctuated with applause….
Obama visited students at Pierre A. Capdau Charter School in New Orleans later Saturday. He called on the federal government to invest $250 million in the city’s schools, saying they were neglected even before Hurricane Katrina.
“When it comes to education in New Orleans, it’s not enough to just clean up damage from the storm. We have to clean up the damage from before the levees broke,” Obama said.
Asked what he would do for the city if elected, Obama said he would hope that the Bush administration would have addressed many of city’s the larger concerns by January 2009. “But I’m not optimistic,” he said.