4 More Years…4 More Years
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on May 2nd, 2007 5:54 am by HL
Yet last month saw more then 100 of our soldiers killed in Iraq. How do you explain that? Failure, Our Commander-in-Chief, has failed the Army, he has failed the soldiers, and he has failed the American people. He is the worst President ever, and anyone who still supports the Failure Monkey in a complete idiot moron. The worst part is, he INTENTIONALLY failed at everything. He has dragged this thing out for 4 long years, and wants to drag it out forever. Halliburton, is still making Billions off this war, so are the Weapons Contractors and let’s not forget the oil company. Bush does not get rich off peace, only off war. He has failed us all in the worst possible way and should be impeached TODAY. The Iraqis want us out of Iraq, we want us out of Iraq. The only ones who don’t are Bush and his minions, and a bunch of brain dead trolls and republicans who are too stupid to know any better. RAH RAH RAH….MISSION ACCOMPLISHED..