Mc Cain Lies About Iraq (Again)
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on March 28th, 2007 6:53 am by HL
McCain: Progress is being made in Iraq
WASHINGTON – Republican presidential contender John McCain (news, bio, voting record) said Tuesday, “we are starting to turn things around” in the Iraq war, as he broke off campaigning in Florida to vote against a proposed troop withdrawal timeline.
HLs Take:
Turning things around did he say? So in other the words the war has reached a turning point? Funny thats the same thing that Bush said almost a year ago back on May 6, 2006 (of course he said THAT two years after he declared Mission Accomplished) So Mc Cain lies about the Turning Point just as Bush did in this comic called, what else, Turning Point. Click on link to see the whole comic.