Pictures and Videos From Anti-War March in Hollywood
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts), Pictures, Videos on March 17th, 2007 4:00 pm by HL
A huge crowd turned out today for The Anti-War march and rally in Hollywood. It was a beautiful day and the crowd was pumped. Speakers included Martin Sheen, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who delivered a message that her fellow congressmen were confused about what to do about Iraq. Specifically Bush’s request for a fundamental spending in the amount of another 100 Million Dollars. (or was it 100 Billion?) Waters urged everyone to write their congressman and tell them to vote no on Bush’s latest war spending request. Musical Performances were put on by Jackson Browne, Ben Harper, and Ozomatli. Here are some pics and videos I shot of the afternoon.

Here are videos of live songs by Jackson Browne, Ben Harper, and Ozomatli. (I just uploaded the videos to You Tube, they say it takes a few minutes before you can view them.)