The HL Store Page is Back
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on January 23rd, 2007 11:47 am by HL
I Just got the HL store page back online.
Check Out The All New H.L.s Store
Whats happening. I’ve just held the ribbon cutting cermony for the all new H.L.s Store
Right now we are selling a line of T-shirts that you just have to see. There is one with the H.L. Liberty Logo which is our trademark on the site. Even better then that are the H.L.s Comics T-Shirts featuring George W. Bush himself, in some of his most classic comic moments.
You can have anyone of these full color designs on a Long or short sleeve T-shirt, or sweatshirt. (also on a hat, mug, and other things.)

Now that bashing Bush has become mainstream and fashionable, you can make your own fashion statement with an H.L.s Comics T-shirt. Check out the store for all the details.