Archive for August 23rd, 2006

1 Year Anniversary of Katrina Approaching.
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on August 23rd, 2006 11:01 am by HL
The One year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina is right around the corner. Sounding just like he does on Iraq
Bush has this to say:
Bush: Katrina recovery will take time
I mean what the hell its only been 1 Year, I mean it has taken him 5 years to try to find one man, and he still
hasn’t done that. So I’m sure in 5 years from now, if Bush were still president he would make a speech and say
Bush: Katrina recovery will take time
The administration has managed to find one guy who is happy about the way things are going down there. his name is
Rockey Vacarella. He “Wishes Bush would have another 4 years” to take care of business.
Meanwhile a new report detailing the administrations failures post 9/11 has come out. Here is an
“It’s a pretty bleak picture,” said Minor Sinclair, who heads the U.S. regional office of Oxfam America, a charitable organization…
Many of the reports focus on the failure of federal dollars to reach their intended targets. Oxfam’s report points out that although $17 billion has been approved by Congress to rebuild homes in Louisiana and Mississippi, not one house has been rebuilt with that money in either state.
A report from the Democratic members of the House Small Business Committee found that 80 percent of small businesses on the Gulf Coast have not yet received loans promised by the federal government. The Small Business Administration has approved loans in excess of $10 billion, but only $2 billion has found its way to business owners.
Compounding the problem is the degradation of such services as public transit, which are typically used by low-income residents. A policy paper by the Washington-based Leadership Conference on Civil Rights found that only 49 percent of the New Orleans area bus routes have resumed. Only 17 percent of the buses are operational.
“Many of the poor in New Orleans do not own cars … so they are dependent on public transportation in order to work,” the paper said.
But don’t tell that to Rockey…
For the last several days, Katrina victim Rockey Vaccarella has been on television repeatedly requesting a meeting with President Bush so he could “thank him for what he has done.” This morning, Bush met with him. Standing with Bush, Vaccarella said, “I just wish the President could have another term in office.†Watch and learn what it takes to score a meeting with President Bush:
Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan — whose son died in Iraq — camped outside Bush’s ranch last summer, seeking to arrange a meeting with the President. But Bush disagreed with Sheehan’s message of bringing the troops home from Iraq and declined to meet with her.
Transcript of the video segments: read more »
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