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January 24, 2005.

H.L.'s Half Year Anniversary.

Thats right its been 6 months already since we kicked this thing off.
                                       A Hollywood tradition since 2004

Bush to Seek About $80 Billion for Military Operations

come on suckers I need one more death fix WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Bush administration plans to announce as early as Tuesday that it will seek about $80 billion in new funding for military operations this year in Iraq and Afghanistan administration and congressional sources said on Monday.
The new supplemental budget request would come on top of the $25 billion in emergency spending already approved for the current fiscal year, pushing total 2005 funding for military operations and equipment close to a record $105 billion.
Up to $650 million is expected to be included in the package to fund humanitarian aid, reconstruction efforts and military operations in Asian nations devastated by last month's tsunami, congressional aides said. The administration is also considering providing debt relief to Indonesia, the hardest-hit country, they said.
White House officials declined to comment on the size of the package or when it would be unveiled. But administration and congressional sources said they expected a White House announcement as early as Tuesday.
The funding request is expected to be formally submitted to Congress for approval next month after President Bush sends up his fiscal 2006 budget on Feb. 7.
Congressional sources said the White House, for the first time, was expected to incorporate the spending request into the budget's deficit projections.
At nearly $105 billion, total funding for military operations in 2005 would be more than 13 times larger than Bush's budget for the Environmental Protection Agency which is charged with keeping the nation's air, water and land pollution-free, and would be nearly as big as the state of California's annual budget.

Did you see the tote board for the number of times Bush uttered the inanitys Freedom, and Liberty during his speech, on John Stewart Check out the video.

The Daily Show

Freedom Vs. Liberty

Heres a good one from
Buffalo Beast.com

The Beast 50 Most Loathsome People in America, 2004

Excerpt: Heres the #50 most loathsome person, the list counts down to number 1.

#50. Ann Coulter
Crimes: Coulter plummets down the list as she slips into irrelevance. As her columns degenerate further into absurd, incoherent attacks against her own personal paranoid fantasy of fanged, drooling, Saddam-loving liberals who hate America and childish France-bashing, we find our outrage slowly giving way to a baffled �I can�t believe I used to go out with you� feeling. Her arguments are ridiculous, her vitriol forced, her hatchet face even harder to look at. Still, she insulted a one-armed war veteran, called reports of the hundreds of tons of missing munitions in Iraq false, claimed Wesley Clark was pro-infanticide, and blamed Abu Ghraib on the presence of women in the armed forces�they�re not all like you, Ann�and on and on. It�s just not worth debunking someone who has no credibility in the first place.
Smoking Gun: Has credibility in the minds of more people than we can stomach acknowledging.
Punishment: Skull crushed with rock.

Anyone remember the movie Robocop. Remember what a disaster Robocop was, he couldn't do anything right. Well the Pentagon remembers, and since they are in the disaster business they have come up with this.
CBS News.com

Robo-Soldier bound for Iraq

.pdf version Robo-Soldier bound for Iraq

The Republicans are now buying Domain names on the internet that people would use against them. They just bought Bush Cheated.com, because they knew someone would get it and use it to tell the truth sooner or later
Raw Story

Repubs. Buy Bush Cheated Domain Name

H.L. Take: I wonder if they bought www.bushisalyingscumbagdisastermonkey.com too.

Bush is ending the Hubble Telescope program. He will have it blown up. We can't be spending money on Science. We need to give that money to black pastors to buy them off. God dont need no Science. + we need that money for War.

Bush: Hubble rescue 'will be scrapped'

.pdf version Bush: Hubble rescue 'will be scrapped

If you didn't get to Washington this past weekend. Check out some of the parties you missed

Mark Fiore.com

Your roadmap to fun.

Gotta go take care, see you tomorrow

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