Secretive, Deep-Pocketed Shadow Campaigns Pervade Midterms
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on October 22nd, 2014 11:08 pm by HL
Secretive, Deep-Pocketed Shadow Campaigns Pervade Midterms
From: George Zornick
Campaign-finance operations have mutated at a frightening pace each successive election since the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision—and this year may represent the apex.
They Need Him, So Why Was Michael Sam Cut From the Dallas Cowboys?
From: Dave Zirin
Michael Sam’s efforts to become the first openly gay player in NFL history took a massive hit on Tuesday, with news that he was being cut from the Dallas Cowboys.
Did Elizabeth Warren Just Change Her Tune on Running for President?
From: George Zornick
This time, the populist hero appears to push the door open to a presidential run.