Dump Tax Breaks for Mortgages, Local Taxes
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on November 21st, 2011 5:31 am by HL
Dump Tax Breaks for Mortgages, Local Taxes
Michael Barone, Examiner
Supercommittee members Sen. Pat Toomey and Rep. Jeb Hensarling are taking flak from some conservatives for proposing a deal including increases in “revenues,” and a Washington Post reporter had some fun insinuating that they were backing a tax-rate increase.As this is written, no one knows what the supercommittee will do (or not do), but it's worth taking a look at what Toomey and Hensarling actually were talking about. It may not matter now, but could after 2012.They were raising the possibility, as Barack Obama's Bowles-Simpson commission did last December, of a tax…
America Entering a New Age of Plenty
Ed Luce, Financial Times
America’s Dangerous Defense Cuts
Niall Ferguson, Newsweek
Join our panel of experts for the Nov. 22 GOP presidential debate on national security.Countries and Regions in the NewsFive reasons why…