Pay to Play, Brought to You by Washington
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on November 20th, 2011 5:31 am by HL
Pay to Play, Brought to You by Washington
Dana Milbank, Wash Post
Almost exactly a year ago, members of Congress voted overwhelmingly to censure their colleague Charlie Rangel for bringing dishonor on the House. Then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi summoned the New York Democrat to the well and chastised the congressman for his 11 ethics violations, which included improper fundraising.This week, Rangel again brought the House into disrepute — but this time he had the full support of his colleagues.
Let’s Refocus on the Founders’ Vision for America
Rep. Paul Ryan, IBD
The economic hardships brought about by the financial crisis and the weak recovery have reopened our longstanding national debate over the meaning of the proposition that we are all created equal.In the Founders' vision, the self-evident truth of this belief guaranteed all Americans equal rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Media Cheers Depraved Protests
James Taranto, Wall Street Journal
“The Occupy Wall Street protesters had achieved a great deal,” the New York Times editorialized on Wednesday. “We worry that [Mayor MIchael Bloomberg's] decision to clear the park of tents could end up quashing the entire protest.” The paper claimed that “many of those protesters wanted to stay by obeying laws and respecting the community” and demanded that the mayor “keep his promise to support the protesters' right to speak up about income inequality, especially in the city's financial district.”Schoolchildren run the Obamaville…
Niche Voters Giving Paul Momentum in Iowa
Trip Gabriel, NY Times
Steve and Cindy Anders belong to one of Iowa’s most politically savvy movements — Christian home-schoolers, whose organizing on behalf of Mike Huckabee in 2008 was one of the secrets behind his upset victory in the state’s Republican caucuses.This year, the Anderses are behind Representative Ron Paul of Texas, who supports drastically shrinking the federal government and closing the Education Department.
The European Union Is Doomed
Niall Ferguson, Washington Post