Nixon Asked Watergate Prosecutors To Please Think Of The Children
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on November 14th, 2011 5:42 am by HL
Nixon Asked Watergate Prosecutors To Please Think Of The Children
Nixon suggested that federal prosecutors investigating his actions surrounding Watergate should look “into the activities of some of the Democratic Senators and others, including some Republicans who are taking this sanctimonious attitude about the cleanliness of their campaigns.” If they did that — and “put them to the same test you have put us” — they’d “find that we have come out rather well.”
James Murdoch: Ex-NOTW Employees Misled Parliament When They Said I Misled Parliament
James Murdoch on Thursday again denied that he misled Parliament when he said he did not know the extent of the practice of phone hacking at News Of The World, claiming that former News International employees gave Parliament testimony that was “not right.”
What You Need To Know Before James Murdoch’s Second Parliament Hearing
As News Corp deputy CEO James Murdoch prepares to make his second appearance before Parliament on Thursday, here’s what you need to know about his testimony over the News Of The World phone hacking scandal….