Clinton: Losing House Would Help Obama in ’12
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on September 20th, 2010 4:31 am by HL
Clinton: Losing House Would Help Obama in ’12
David Morgan, CBS News
Former President Bill Clinton said he believes President Obama was “shocked” and “disoriented” by the intensity of Republican opposition to his efforts to move the country forward.Appearing on CBS' “Face the Nation” this morning, Clinton also said that speculation over Mr. Obama losing his touch – owing to Washington gridlock – is not the whole story. He said that Republicans who learned during his own presidency that saying “No” can be rewarded at the ballot box are reusing that playbook now, regardless of how such tactics might stall…
Time to Shake Washington to Its Core
Sen. Jim DeMint, Washington Post
Christine O'Donnell's win on Tuesday may have shocked establishment politicians and the media, but it was no surprise for everyday Americans who have been struggling to get Washington's attention.On Sept. 12, 2009, millions of citizens rallied across the country. They gathered in the nation's capital and other cities to convey a clear message: You work for us; we don't work for you. Stop the bailouts, the takeovers, the debt and dependence.
America’s One-Child Policy
Jonathan Last, The Weekly Standard
For the last several months, Chinese officials have been floating the idea of relaxing the country’s famed “One-Child” policy. One-Child has long been admired in the West by environmentalists, anti-population doomsayers, and some of our sillier professional wise men. In Hot, Flat, and Crowded (2008), for instance, Tom Friedman lauded the policy for saving China from “a population calamity.” What Friedman and others fail to understand is that China is built upon a crumbling demographic base. One-Child may or may not have…
Joe Biden: The Salesman
Mark Bowden, The Atlantic
Experienced, emotional, marked by personal tragedy and political setback, Joe Biden is in many ways the antithesis of the president he serves. But his stock has risen steadily in the West Wing, and with the Democrats poised to lose much of their leverage in the midterm elections, the vice president’s unique skills and attributes may prove ever more crucial to his administration’s success.
WH Weighs Ad Offensive Against GOP, Tea Party
Calmes & Shear, NYT
WASHINGTON "” President Obama's political advisers, looking for ways to help Democrats and alter the course of the midterm elections in the final weeks, are considering a national advertising campaign that would cast the Republican Party as all but taken over by Tea Party extremists, people involved in the discussion said. The latest on President Obama, his administration and other news from Washington and around the nation. Join the discussion.That is among a range of options and plans under consideration at the White House for energizing dispirited Democratic…