Beck’s Miracle
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on September 10th, 2010 4:43 am by HL
Beck’s Miracle
God Hates Bambi
Beck’s Miracle
God Hates Bambi
Goolsbee Gets Top Advisory Post
President Obama will appoint longtime economic adviser Austan Goolsbee to become chairman of his Council of Economic Advisers, “signaling continuity even as a high unemployment rate has left much of the public dissatisfied with administration policies,” the New York Times reports.
Key point: “Because Mr. Goolsbee has been confirmed by the Senate as a member of the Council of Economic Advisers, he does not need approval to become the chairman — not a small consideration at the White House.”
Judge Calls Military Ban on Gays Unconstiutional
A federal judge in California ruled that the U.S. military’s ban on openly gay service members violates the Constitution, the Washington Post reports.
The decision “is likely to put more pressure on Congress to act on pending legislation that would repeal the policy, which forbids the military to ask about a service member’s sexual orientation but retains a ban on gays serving openly. The House voted in May to repeal the act, but the legislation is stalled in the Senate.”
Snyder Way Ahead in Michigan
A new Detroit News poll in Michigan shows Rick Snyder (R) way ahead of Virg Bernero (D) in the race for governor, 56% to 36%.
Said pollster Richard Czuba: “I think (Bernero) is in increasingly bad shape — I was shocked to find only 7.5 percent undecided. People are making up their minds already. At this stage, Bernero has to peel people away that have already decided to vote for Snyder — that’s a hard challenge for any candidate.”
A poll yesterday also found the race turning into a blowout.
Los Angeles Launches Nation?s First Israel Divestment Campaign
On April 1, 2010, in a no-holds-barred interview with the Christian Science Monitor, Israeli peacemaker Jonathan Ben Artzi, a PhD candidate at Brown University and nephew to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, made clear his belief that equality and social justice will prevail in Israel when the government and people of the United […]
Judge Rules ?Don?t Ask Don?t Tell? Unconstitutional
Just out: “The “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy toward gay members of the military is unconstitutional, a federal judge in California ruled Thursday. Judge Virginia A. Phillips of Federal District Court struck down the rule in an opinion issued late in the day. The policy was signed into law in 1993 as a compromise […]
Ten Things Dems Could Do Right Now to Avoid Electoral Disaster
Why the party needs to have a plan, keep it simple — and do something for the base.
Why the party needs to have a plan, keep it simple — and do something for the base.
Glenn Beck Channels Rage of Self-Indulgent Baby Boomers
Progressives must redirect Beck-style anger toward conservative ideologies that are killing the American Dream.
Progressives must redirect Beck-style anger toward conservative ideologies that are killing the American Dream.
Dana Milbank Pays Homage to Alan Simpson’s Sexism and Ignorance
The Washington Post insists that its columnists either produce top quality work or toe the company line. Dana Milbank falls into the latter group of columnists as he showed once again with his warm praise for former Wyoming Senator Alan…
Social Security – Alan Simpson – Washington Post – Dana Milbank – Alan K. Simpson
The Great Jobs Depression Worsens, and the Choice Ahead Grows Starker
The Great Jobs Depression continues to worsen. The Labor Department reports this morning that companies created ony 67,000 new jobs in August. That’s down from the 107,000 they created in July. And because the government laid off temporary Census workers,…
Government – United States Department of Labor – Employment – Business – Labor Department
Inspired By Florida Hate Pastor, Tennessee Minister Also Plans To Burn Qurans On 9/11
While everyone from President Obama to Fox News host Glenn Beck has strongly condemned a radical Florida church’s plan to burn Qurans on September 11th, the idea has inspired at least one copy cat on the fringe Cristian-right. Rev. Bob Old of Springfield, TN told the The Tennessean that Rev. Terry Jones’ hateful scheme to burn Qurans has inspired him to the same, because in his view, there should be no Muslims in America:
The longtime Baptist minister says the Rev. Terry Jones of the Dove World Center Outreach in Gainesville, Fla., is doing the right thing by burning the Quran. So he’s going to do likewise.
Old plans to set fire to a Quran on Saturday at his home and then post a video of the burning book online. And if he had his way, there would be no Muslims in America.
“If they want to have their religion, they can have it somewhere else,” said Old, former pastor of First Baptist Church in Joelton and Academy Heights Baptist Church in Gallatin, which merged with another church. He no longer has a congregation and instead runs an evangelical ministry called Disciples of Christ.
Old’s dangerous plan was met with immediate condemnation from local Christian leaders, with one pastor calling Old “a nut.” “This is crazy,” said Rev. Larry Herbert of Faith Covenant Church in Springfield, “I am sorry that anyone who names the name of Christ would do this.” But to Old, the U.S. is a Christian nation and “freedom of religion does not apply to Muslims or other non-Christians.” “I believe that other religions are a threat to our faith and our beliefs,” Old said.
Jones’ desire to burn Qurans sparked a different reaction from the notorious Westboro Baptist Church, infamous for protesting against Jews and gay people, even at funerals for fallen American soldiers. Church leader Shirley Phelps Roper was outraged by Jones’ plan, not because of its hateful insensitivity, but because her bigoted church had the idea first. “We did it a long time before this guy,” she said, noting that her church set fire to a Quran on a Washington, D.C. street in 2008. “Nobody seemed to care,” she complained. Jones’ Florida church has defended Westboro in the past, and in April, even went as a congregation “to stand with” Westboro picketers when they came to Gainesville.
It’s Good to Have Obama on the Campaign Trail
Gene Lyons, Salon
Among the enlightened, dialing the psychic hotline is considered superstitious, although watching TV pundits call elections two months before the vote is taken seriously. True, political forecasters have opinion polls to guide them, but then it's also a safe bet that anybody phoning a psychic has a troubled love life.History suggests that Democrats are in for a tough November. But will Republicans succeed in retaking one or both houses of Congress? Anybody who professes certainty is either blowing smoke or watching too much Fox News. Two months can be an eternity in politics….
Will Partisan Rhetoric Make It Worse?
John Podhoretz, Commentary
The big news in all the polls is the astounding gap in electoral enthusiasm between voters intending to vote Republican and voters intending to vote Democratic — Gallup has it as a 25 point difference, it appears. Rich Lowry explains in a fine column today that the president is trying to close the gap by appealing to his base:While most people want less of Obama’s program, his base wants more. Obama could ease off his spending to try to take the edge off the brewing backlash, but that would anger his supporters. Instead, he promises his union-member allies yet…
The Outlook Dims for Democrats
Karl Rove, Wall Street Journal
With the midterm election less than two months away, all signs point to a punishing defeat for Democrats in the House of Representatives.Since July 1, there have been 111 polls released on U.S. House races in 79 districts. Some were commissioned by news organizations; others came from the campaigns themselves or political groups (a detailed list is posted at Ninety-seven polls were conducted in seats held by Democrats while 14 were in Republican districts.
Obama Frames the Wrong Economic Problem
Thomas Cooley, Forbes
There is an epic and epically unpleasant debate that taking place for much of the last year about stimulus and austerity. On one side are the born-again Keynesians who believe that our recovery is faltering because we simply haven't spent enough to jolt the economy into recovery. This lot includes the Obama administration and some of its harshest critics. They point to the experience of the 1930s when, after signs of recovering, the economy slipped back into recession.They have castigated the Germans for failing to be good economic citizens of the world for focusing on fiscal…