Those weren’t rally caps
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on August 30th, 2010 4:49 am by HL
Those weren’t rally caps
The Beckapalooza was showpiece of American Stupidity — as per tradition

photo via Emil Kepko at
Well, I take some time off and I miss the latest boring rally for 87,000 people with the body mass of 174,000. Say what you will about Nuremberg in the 1930s, but those people did basic cardio (it was all the putsching and pogroming).
It was interesting that Beck picked the Anniversary of the “I have a Dream Speech” and then hid the Lincoln Memorial from spectators so they could more easily reflect in his pasty countenance. I now realize it wasn’t just to give affront to the meaning of the day – it was also scheduled for this weekend because the NASCAR Sprint Series had no race planned.
However, what I understand to be amongst the most bizarre aspects of white people “Reclaiming Civil Rights Day” was one of two members of the St. Louis Cardinals taking the time to give the other an award for Celestial Awesomeness, or staying off the list of PED users or something.
Continuing the legacy of the Cardinals and the Civil Rights Movement:
When Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier with the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947, there had reportedly been sentiment among some Cardinals players that the team go on strike rather than face Robinson.
And there was one last parting shot from Beck as a post-script:
Beck: Obama’s comments on his Christian faith are “not something that most Christians recognize”
Hmmmm, I’m guessing far more Christians don’t recognize, among other of Beck’s beliefs, that Jesus came to North America for a Farewell Tour.
- Sign of the times.
- It’s witch-hunt season.
- Mosque attacked in Tennessee.
- Of course he’s sorry — he lost all his advertisers.
- Atrios reads the tea leaves.
- Americans just don’t like a Quitter.
- Sign of the times.
- It’s witch-hunt season.
- Mosque attacked in Tennessee.
- Of course he’s sorry — he lost all his advertisers.
- Atrios reads the tea leaves.
- Americans just don’t like a Quitter.
Late, Late Night FDL: Worst Cover Song Ever
Worst Cover Song ever…!
All worthy contenders indeed, however, where they merely mangled the delivery, this tops them all, where they bungled the entire message…!
Just think of the fun they’d have had with “Jesus is Just Alright”…? 😉
What’s your nomination…?