Q& A: Chairs of BP oil-spill panel discuss drilling moratorium, response efforts
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on August 9th, 2010 4:37 am by HL
Q& A: Chairs of BP oil-spill panel discuss drilling moratorium, response efforts
On Aug. 25, the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling will meet in Washington. The seven members of the bipartisan panel appointed by the president held their inaugural session in New Orleans in July to investigate the April 20 BP blowout. The commission…
BP – Oil spill – Environment – Energy – Petroleum in the Environment
In Harlem, Rangel faces Powell: The next generation
NEW YORK — Forty years ago, a Harlem political legend named Adam Clayton Powell Jr. refused to step down from his House seat in the face of an ethics scandal. Rather than allowing Powell to retire on his own time, an ambitious New York assemblyman took on the incumbent — and won.
Harlem – History – Recreation – Scouting – Baden-Powell
A deep bench of substitute justices goes unused
Justice John Paul Stevens has been retired from the Supreme Court for more than a month. Maybe it’s time to bring him back.
Recreation – Outdoors – Elena Kagan – John Paul Stevens – United States Supreme Court
Obama gets to test his game against hoops greats
Every hoops fan dreams of that one special birthday when his pro-ball heroes gather on a court to see if he’s got game.
LeBron James – Dwyane Wade – Barack Obama – Kobe Bryant – Games