HuffPost Radio: Both Sides Now w/ Huffington & Matalin: On Kagan, Gay Marriage, Birthers, Spitzer
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on August 9th, 2010 4:46 am by HL
HuffPost Radio: Both Sides Now w/ Huffington & Matalin: On Kagan, Gay Marriage, Birthers, Spitzer
Prodded by host Mark Green, the women would have both voted to confirm Kagan but split sharply on whether today’s birthers were no worse than W’s detractors. But they both loved Spitzer!
Ellis Weiner: I’m America, and I’m Tired
Andrew McCarthy, one of the dependable frothers over at what experts call “American’s Shittiest Website,” has some indignant things to say about Islam and Islamists–and…
Victoria Jones: Sharron Angle — Bill of Rights? On Her Terms Only
Is Sharron Angle’s understanding of the First Amendment a press that is her friend, that contributes to her web site, and reports the news the way the wants it to be reported? Is she that naive?
Spencer Jones: From a Mormon Gay Couple: Thank You Judge Walker
We in the LGBT community must all commit to telling our stories and to showing our neighbors, co-workers, and faith groups who we are and why marriage and equal rights is important to us.