Obama is Clueless When It Comes to Free Markets
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on July 25th, 2010 4:31 am by HL
Obama is Clueless When It Comes to Free Markets
Steve Forbes, Forbes
Since the 1960s the world's left-wing parties have chased two dreams that are in conflict in free societies. One is greater economic equality. The other is value-free multiculturalism–and please do not confuse this with the 18th-century truth that all men are created equal. Postmodernism calls the shots today. It demands that all human expressions and lifestyles, foolish or not, must be treated equally. Thus Mayan science was as good as European science, and female genital mutilation is not for Westerners to judge. You dare not laugh at such nonsense, either.These two lefty…
Vilsack Makes for a Good Fall Guy
John Kass, Chicago Tribune
Can people be reported here for being boring? Are ignorant comment board posts abuse? Does anyone else see through the thin thinking and tired old parroted lines you now see flooded here from the likes of Farfel (who can't spell”Rahm”), Chad the Swinger and Earnestly Evanston?Having already suffered countless disparagements like “libtard”, “lamestream media”, not to mention thier obsession with “Don't tread on me”, America, love it or leave it” and on and on and endlessly on.
Taking America Forward, Not Back
Michael Medved, AOL News
If conservatives hope to succeed in their determined efforts to take the government back, they should drop the popular but misguided slogan about “taking our country back.”This punchy little phrase — ubiquitous on signs and in speeches at tea parties and Republican rallies — could actually drive away some of the independent voters the anti-Obama forces need most for victory. Even worse, the push to “take our country back” brings with it unavoidable racial overtones that pragmatic conservatives should scrupulously avoid.