Advocacy Masquerading as Journalism
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on July 11th, 2010 4:33 am by HL
Advocacy Masquerading as Journalism
Michael Walsh, Big Journalism
The David Weigel saga continues to stagger on, becoming ever more intellectually incoherent. Not only has Weigel written yet another story about himself, this time for Esquire, but Ezra Klein of the Washington Post — the man who recommended Weigel for his short-lived job there — has also come out with another piece, largely argued along juvenile tu quoque lines that wouldn’t pass muster in a first-year logic class. If Weigel and Klein are the best young talent the Post can find, then things are even worse with MSM journalism than we thought.More seriously, over…
Will Obama Do the Right Thing on DOMA?
John Nichols, The Nation
Political divisions of the United States Defense of Marriage Act was always a false construct.There is talk that the governor may call for a “legislative remedy” that would allow for a special election this fall. He should not hesitate. It is the small “d” democratic thing to do.
With Gloves Off, Obama Stumps for Reid
Sheryl Gay Stolberg, NY Times
LAS VEGAS — President Obama wrapped up a two-day campaign swing on Friday with a full-throated defense of his economic policies and a warm-hearted embrace for the Senate Democratic leader, Harry Reid of Nevada, a onetime boxer who is counting on the president to help him fight his way through a tough re-election race.The latest on President Obama, his administration and other news from Washington and around the nation. Join the discussion.