Cold War Heats Up a Bit
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on July 7th, 2010 4:32 am by HL
Cold War Heats Up a Bit
Carlos Alberto Montaner, Miami Herald
The news about the Russian spies uncovered in New York, beyond the comedic aspects of the episode, is a mine of interesting information and analysis. The first thing that needs to be discarded is the naive notion that the Cold War is over.That's not true. Espionage services have their own internal dynamics, which generate their own inertia.When Lenin took power in 1917, he built the Cheka, his fearsome political police, on the foundations of the czar's very efficient Okhranka. For a while, the methods, and even the agents, were the same.
Bias and the IPCC Report on Climate Change
The Economist
There’s No Downside to More Stimulus
Kevin Drum, Mother Jones
The Anatomy of Defeat
Tony Blankley, RealClearPolitics
The Afghan War may be the first one we lose primarily because our civilian leadership did not understand the effect of its public words on our government, our allies and our enemy. Throughout the summer and fall of 2009, as experts were getting more pessimistic about success in Afghanistan, President Obama began having second thoughts. He was conflicted between his campaign statement that Afghanistan was the good and necessary war and his supporters' concerns that America not get bogged down in another unwinnable Vietnam.Finally, he announced his decision in his December 2009 speech at…
Republicans: A Party of Unemployment
Dean Baker, The Guardian
Turn autoplay offTurn autoplay onPlease activate cookies in order to turn autoplay offIt may seem bad taste to accuse Republicans of wanting a rise in unemployment but their actions leave no other explanationFrom now until 2 November, the Republican party will be the party of unemployment. The logic is straightforward: the more people who are unemployed on election day, the better the prospects for Republicans in the fall election. They expect, with good cause, that voters will hold the Democrats responsible for the state of the economy. Therefore, anything that the Republicans can do to make…