Will Katrina victims lose federal aid in February?
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on September 20th, 2008 4:34 am by HL
Will Katrina victims lose federal aid in February?
Washington Whispers reports that “there are some 28,000 people receiving free rent and assistance” from the federal government.” The federal government, however, is unsure how much longer they will continue to give the assistance: Housing Secretary Steve Preston, asked how long the feds are planning to pay, says: “That’s a great question, and that’s an […]
Washington Whispers reports that “there are some 28,000 people receiving free rent and assistance” from the federal government.” The federal government, however, is unsure how much longer they will continue to give the assistance:
Housing Secretary Steve Preston, asked how long the feds are planning to pay, says: “That’s a great question, and that’s an important point of conversation right now.” At issue is the rental assistance aid that ends in February. Recipients are being advised on what federal programs they can apply to for further help. In the end, only 4,000 are expected to get aid.
September 27th, 2008 at 8:41 am
I hope they do!! I’m originally from New Orleans and I can tell you by experience that many hard working people can’t move back home until this takes effect. Property Owners and Landlords are hip to accepting sect 8 and FEMA because its guaranteed money,now before Katrina you could easily find a nice 1 br home for $300/month…why all of a sudden you can barely find one for under $800 now…because landlords went to price gauging for these piece of crap properties that they could barely get more than 300 bux for because of that guaranteed money..since I’m a working man and don’t qualify for assistance in any form or fashion,hell i got 2 kids and 1 on the way..work for Wal mart and can barely make it week to week so what excludes me…rented in Hollygrove before Katrina,so I had the same upbringing as everyone else in that city,maybe because I’m white? I don’t know? You tell me!! But now since I didn’t qualify after leaving the city with only what I had on my back..literally just my clothing I had on,everything else was completely trashed by the water…I can’t afford to live there so I can’t go back because without the assistance I can barley make it where I’m at and there are 2 brs for $415 here…there is no way I can put my family in a 1 br for $800 /mnt there, let me advise everyone that if FEMA stops paying, the cost of living will decrease rapidly and probably near what it was before all this mess, then a person like myself will be able to make it back home and survive!! So PLEASE PLEASE FEMA SECT 8 and all you assistance programs…stop helping everyone,I can understand the elderly,disabled and homeless but you got 24 yr old perfectly healthy men getting their rent paid for the past 3 years who have no kids and do not want to work!! WHY do we reward laziness and then fault people for being that way. Please I left my email addy on purpose,contact me if needed…send 6 on your side or whomever,I’ll even go on Oprah to express this to the idiot govt who does not realize that they are only hurting,not helping!!!