Late Late Nite FDL: Back At The Chicken Shack, w/ Free Advice For Sarah Palin
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on September 12th, 2008 4:40 am by HL
Late Late Nite FDL: Back At The Chicken Shack, w/ Free Advice For Sarah Palin
As we enter the thirteenth day of the John and Sarah Won’t Meet The Press game, a question comes to mind as I marvel at just how childish and downright afraid the McCain Palin duo has been. What are the words Palin won’t have to learn before chatting with ABC Disney’s Charlie “don’t mess with my taxes” Gibson?
Jimmy Smith with Phil Upchurch – Back At The Chicken Shack
As we enter the thirteenth day of the John and Sarah Won’t Meet The Press game, a question comes to mind as I marvel at just how childish and downright afraid the McCain Palin duo has been. What are the words Palin won’t have to learn before chatting with ABC Disney’s Charlie “don’t mess with my taxes” Gibson? Just in case, here’s some free advice on how to handle it.
Honor – McCain couldn’t define it for Time magazine, so you won’t have to.
Budget – It’s not what you call it when life with the McCain’s provides free corporate jets.
Sunni & Shia – It’s not a band your kids listen to when you are not at home.
Betrayus – Don’t ask, just tell Charlie to MoveOn.
Peace – When your son is not going to Iraq for lies on a mission which has never been defined to kill and occupy a so called enemy who never attacked us.
Torture – What cowardly Republican liars do to other people whom they think are lying.
Constitution – Quickly show Charlie your new shade of lipstick.
That’s all you the chicken feed you get from me, Sarah. Good luck!
What’s on your mind tonight?