Hillary Shows True Feeling About Press..Makes them Work Out of The $hit House
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on March 5th, 2008 1:35 pm by HL
Hillary Clinton sure knows how to play a joke; she got back at all those nasty members of the press for not treating her like Bush yesterday. She is pissed off (poor choice of words) becuase they actually ask questions and report what they see of her campaign. True they may not be doing the same for Obama, but Hillary wants the Bush treatment. That is, no matter how bad you screw up, no matter how much you lie, cheat and steal, no matter how abhorrent a person you are the press always treats you like a Saint. Anyway she got back at them good yesterday by making them work out a foul urine stinking, $hit stained mens room. Is this how she will treat the American people the first time she is not happy with her ratings? Huffington Post picks up the story.
Is the Hillary Clinton campaign staffed with morons or do they just not care anymore? It is unbelievable that on the night before the Texas and Ohio (and Vermont and Rhode Island) primaries they would set up an impromptu press room in a freaking men’s bathroom, complete with urinals. Yes. It’s true. The WSJ’s Jackie Calmes posted an account of the scene last night, including the tidbit that former New Yorker and Talk editor, Diana-tome authoress and journalistic grande dame Tina Brown was stuck “gamely typing away close to a toilet” — and not just any toilet: ETP was able to confirm from someone present that Brown was “literally inches from a urinal.” According to the LAT’s Andrew Malcolm, many of the press corps had begun their day with Clinton at 5 a.m. in Toledo, Ohio before crossing the country with her to cover her in Austin, Texas. No doubt they were thrilled — especially since they also got to enjoy dinner in the men’s room, too. Tamales. Yes, tamales…..
Clinton spokesman Doug Hattaway denied that any message was being sent, saying, “These accommodations should in no way be taken as a comment on the quality of our media coverage.” Perhaps, but it sent a different message: That whoever was responsible for organizing this particular press filing center was an idiot.
Whatever the message was meant to be, whoever on the campaign knew about this and let it happen had to have known this would get negative attention and make the campaign seem churlish and vengeful. The bathroom in question was located in the Tony Burger Activity Center in Austin, Texas and is described as hosting “basketball, volleyball, drill team, musical events and graduations.” Do y’think on the night before a hugely important primary they might’ve been able to do a little better?
H.L.s Take:
Thank god Senator Larry Craig of Ohio wasn’t there. Now that would have been a story