The Courage Of Kucinich In Pelosi’s House Of Wacks
Posted in H.L. News on November 13th, 2007 8:40 am by HL
by Linda Milazzo
Was it retaliation by the Democratic Leadership that exempted Dennis Kucinich from appearing with fellow Presidential candidates at Friday’s Jefferson Jackson Day fundraiser in Iowa?
Was it Speaker Pelosi’s vindictive payback to Kucinich for his impudent dismissal of her “impeachment is off the table” dictum that kept Kucinich out of the Jefferson Jackson Day party? After all, hadn’t Kucinich introduced HR 333 on the House Floor just that week, calling for the impeachment of Vice President Cheney, in defiance of the prescripted cowardice in Pelosi’s House of Wacks?
November 13th, 2007 at 8:04 pm
I am one of the 162,000,000 in this country who never saw the ’60s firsthand. As a result, I see it pretty much the same as I see the rest of history: through writings, films, and other secondhand sources. And I can tell you this: when I examine the hodgepodge of utopian theories and fantasies that came out of that decade, it absolutely does not hold to the philosophy that arose from 1770s America. The idea that we can re-make people, or improve them, through government is unrealistic and intellectually dishonest. It doesn’t work. Human nature is what it is, and the role of government ought to be to simply protect our natural rights to Life, Liberty, and Property – and that’s it. When government tries to do any more than that, it fails, and usually in a way that makes the problem it was trying to solve worse. The only way people are ever going to treat each other with equal respect is through ethical people passing on ethical values to their children, but that is something which must be achieved through individual choice, by people whose individual rights and liberties are being protected. The idea that all people have the right to a middle-class standard of living is a misunderstanding of the nature of rights, and it is one that has led to decades of meddlesome, DIVISIVE government policies which have poisoned the civil discourse in this country. People have the right to equal protection and opportunity, yes. This can only be achieved, though, through truly free markets, a commodity-based currency that can’t be inflated for political reasons, and the abandoning of the misguided notion that central economic planning can bring about some kind of social utopia in which everyone gets a precisely equal slice of the pie. The Founders of this nation knew this, and wrote it down for all to read, and codified it in the government they created for us in our Constitution. The only way we will ever “get over” the ’60s is if we go back to our roots, to our beginnings as a people, and remind ourselves who we are. I have had my eyes opened, and that’s why I will spend every free moment I have working to support Ron Paul for President.
November 13th, 2007 at 10:03 pm
[…] HL placed an interesting blog post on The Courage Of Kucinich In Pelosiâ??s House Of Wacks.Here’s a brief overview:by Linda Milazzo Was it retaliation by the Democratic Leadership that exempted Dennis Kucinich from appearing with fellow Presidential candidates at Friday’s Jefferson Jackson Day fundraiser in Iowa? Was it Speaker Pelosi’s vindictive … […]
November 20th, 2007 at 1:26 am
i can’t speak for the founders, but alclove, you’ve got it right. what the two party lackeys follow is the myth, that everything is “good” and “democracy” solves it all. that is the biggest myth and fallacy people have followed. what we see is a few “elite” or rich class of people that dictate politics over peoples’ (states’) interests. they can leave town if things don’t turn out the way they expect. unlike a government that is responsible to the people. it sucks. this is what we have. who is that group of elite? well ask yourselves’ who’s protected? who does the press cover everyday? is a noose hanging in your neighborhood or college lately? oh well, hl, probably thinks its residents aboard ufos. obtw, how’s your new job hl? feeling like a slave yet?
November 25th, 2007 at 10:38 pm
America is doomed unless people wake up and decide to do something about the noose around its neck. As “anonymous” above states, the elite do “leave town” when the going is tough and chase their earnings wherever the money is. We Americans get stuck with the taxes, paying the bills, and dealing with the damage. Liberalism is the worst thing that happened to our country and the world.
I can’t believe so called “liberals” still believe in the Democrats after they have reneged on every promise made. It’s shameful. What’s the difference between Republicans and Democrats. It’s hard to see what the difference is.
It’s your country, get angry and start telling the truth. Let’s stop political correctness and call a spade a spade. Do Americans have balls left?
January 6th, 2008 at 4:34 pm
[…] introduced HR 333 on the House Floor just that week, calling for the impeachment of source: The Courage Of Kucinich In Pelosis House Of Wacks, The Hollywood […]