AARP Invites All Candidates to Healthcare Debate, Except Kucinich
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on September 21st, 2007 9:59 am by HL
The only guy who can help out Americans with the right health plan is the only guy not allowed to debate it.
AARP to Kucinich: Drop Dead
AARP President Bill Novelli is a company man. No, the company is not AARP.
Novelli doesn’t give a damn about AARP or its 38 million members.
If he did, he wouldn’t be selling down them down river by opposing a single payer system that would benefit not just AARP members, but everyone in the country.
Novelli doesn’t give a damn about the health of the nation. What he cares about are the health insurance companies.
Novelli a founder of the giant Porter Novelli corporate public relations firm jumped to AARP in 2000. But he never shed his corporate skin.
Case in point?
On Thursday night, AARP will host a debate in Iowa on the issue of health care. Republicans and Democrats running for President will attend.
Of all of the Democrats and Republicans in the race, guess who is the only one who would put the Novelli’s buddies in the health insurance industry out of business?
Guess who is the only candidate among the Democrats and Republicans who would create a Canadian-style single payer, everybody in, nobody out, no deductibles, no co-pays, no in-network, no out-of-network, streamlined system that would save billions of dollars in administrative costs, deliver a higher quality health care system, and cover everyone?
And guess who was not invited to confront Novelli’s corporate brotherhood of profit and death?
You guessed it. Congressman Dennis Kucinich.
Well, Kucinich would put out of business Novelli’s corporate support system including United Healthcare and Aetna.
September 21st, 2007 at 12:21 pm
Makes me wonder how much money is wasted supporting the Health Insurance Industry. It must cost a lot to run all the advertising they put out and the size of their legal departments. What a true waste of money that would be better spent on true health care.
September 21st, 2007 at 11:57 pm
If you all think we are in a world of hurt now just wait till the goverment takes over health care it will be bankrupt in no time flat. if we have such a bad system that why do people from all over the world come to train in our country??
September 22nd, 2007 at 1:42 pm
GW, if our system is soo great then why haven’t all other countries adopted our “Profit based” system?
September 23rd, 2007 at 12:45 am
Paul if national H/C is so great than why is france trying to get rid of it, just heard that on the news this morn they say it is bankrupting them
September 23rd, 2007 at 7:22 am
GW, I couldn’t find any news related to your claim.
I googled France + Health care system change & found nothing current.
If you have link, I’d love to see it.
Thank you.
September 23rd, 2007 at 7:42 pm
Paul i am tring to find the link. Like i said i heard it on the radio I’m not sure what station it was so i’m having a hard time of it but will get it on here just as soon i can find it.
September 24th, 2007 at 2:55 pm
Ghost Walker, that’s cool.
France is having it’s share of troubles;
More as the story develops…
October 11th, 2007 at 4:48 pm
[…] it. Congressman Dennis Kucinich. Why? Well, Kucinich would put out of business Novelli source: AARP Invites All Candidates to Healthcare…, The Hollywood […]