Democrats Debate Tonight in Chicago For Labor Vote
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on August 7th, 2007 8:25 am by HL
Tonight’s Debate: A Labor of Love for Democratic Candidates
The American
The Democratic presidential candidates will stand before organized labor tonight at Soldier Field, in a debate sponsored by the AFL-CIO. From a debating perspective, the event will probably be a snoozer, at least when the candidates are discussing the bread and butter issues that are important to the AFL-CIO. (Foreign policy, if it comes up, might be a different matter.)
On merits alone, the most clearly “pro-labor” candidate is John Edwards. Since the end of the last campaign, Edwards has been on a relentless journey to secure labor’s endorsement. His luxurious house and hedge fund gig not withstanding, Edwards walked picket lines with union members, cultivated relationships with key labor leaders, stacked his campaign with former union staffers, and spoken the populist rhetoric that the AFL-CIO craves.
HLs Take
I wonder if anyone will ask the candidates which ones are in favor of repealing NAFTA, and bringing American jobs home instead of sending them to India, and other countries where big buisness can hire people for 6 cents an hour. I wonder what Hilary will say about that. Will she dodge the question like she did last weekend at the blogger convention?
August 7th, 2007 at 10:13 am
Great another worthless debate in front of a quasi communist group like the AFL-CIO. These crooks who run the unions and their idiotic sheep are truly pathetic
August 7th, 2007 at 1:59 pm
The debates are usually for show. They make empty promises, saber rattle and end up doing nothing for America. It seems the only Presidential candidate that\’s making promises that he\’ll keep is Ron Paul.
Imagine, Obama says that he\’ll attack Pakistan in the hunt for \”terrorists.\” I wonder who is their real audience is. I don\’t think most Americans care for any of them. Then Clinton has no problem taking money from the political lobbies. She blatantly threw in the voters\’ faces. There isn\’t any difference between Republican and Democrat. They both are parties of corruption and lies.
August 7th, 2007 at 2:03 pm
I posted those last comments.
August 8th, 2007 at 5:39 am
Almost everything labor/unions stand(s) for is wrong. To read their material reminds one of the Communist manifesto. Forcing employers to provide health insurance is one wrong in labor’s countless acts of hurting those they intent to protect.
Of course this should not surprise one, as all major organizations in this country were controlled a long time ago by the government within the government.
August 8th, 2007 at 8:40 am
Look at the leadership of Unions. They are led by the most corrupt bottom feeders on earth. They say they look out for the workers but they make tons of cash