Rumsfeld Denies Coverup in Tillman Murder (So you know there was one)
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on August 1st, 2007 10:21 am by HL
Rumsfeld was asked whether he had any contact with Whitehouse about the case before it became public knowledge. Guess what his answer was, never mind because you couldn’t possibly guess if I gave you 100 chances. Ok you know what he said? “I Don’t Recall.” He also didn’t recall when he first heard about Tillman’s death, or what he had for breakfast this morning.
Rumsfeld: No cover-up in Tillman’s death
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Wednesday there was no evidence of a cover-up of the circumstances of Army Ranger Cpl. Pat Tillman’s death.
“I know that I would not engage in a cover-up. I know that no one in the White House suggested such a thing to me,” Rumsfeld testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which is examining what senior Defense Department officials knew about Tillman’s April 2004 death by friendly fire and when they knew it.
Tillman’s parents, brother and widow attended the hearing.
Rumsfeld said he was sure Tillman’s family felt “great sorrow at their son’s death” and “the handling of the circumstances could only have added to the pain of losing a loved one. I offer … my deep regrets.”
August 1st, 2007 at 7:19 pm
HL you keep bashing the republicans for this ” I don’t recall” but you need to tell everyone who it was that started that line. That’s right folks Slick Willy’s wife her self Hilary.
August 2nd, 2007 at 3:45 am
Left Coast Conservative: Why pick on Hillary. She showed her genius when she converted $1,000 into $100,000 in one year trading in cattle futures. I don’t think she should be wasted as President, she should be put in charge of those Social Security “funds” and invest them. We would all retire as millionaires.
When first brought to task about this, she said she had studied the markets some. She is a genius. (She should have siad, “I don’t recall.”)
August 4th, 2007 at 1:19 am
Mr. Conservative, you make little sense. Why are you blaming Hillary Clinton when the controversy involves Donald Rumsfeld? Do you need help with argumentation? I can refer you to a professional.
August 4th, 2007 at 11:34 pm
If Tillman was a run of the mill Joe would this be such a big thing? I’ld be willing to lay a good bet that the Tillman family is trying to recoup the the money they lost out on by thier son not playing in the NFL. it is sad that this happened but in time of conlict does happen
August 5th, 2007 at 6:56 am
Well GW first of all the Army lied to the family and said he was killed by the enemy. Then when they got busted on that lie, they changed the story to Friendly Fire. Turns out there was no Battle going on at all at the time of Tillman’s death. So that’s twice the Army lied to the family. Now it’s a good bet he was murdered by one of his own men. And the Army is trying to cover that up as well. I think they just want answers, real answers, if for nothing else to show Americans that joining the Army can get you killed even by your own people. How many other anonymous people who die in the Army are having their families lied to as well. You know it happens all the time. If more people knew the truth, less would sign up to go fight Bush’s wars.
August 5th, 2007 at 1:56 pm
What i’ve heard is that they are going agter a undisclosed amount of money. and i had not heard that there was no battle going on at the time guess i’ve dug deep enough i better do more home work before i shoot off my key board huh?
August 6th, 2007 at 1:22 am
RED FLAG, if Rumsfeld said it, it probably not true.