Guess Who is Paying for New Nuclear Power Plants: Us
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on August 1st, 2007 9:30 am by HL
Being that we have the Master Disaster Monkey as President, this story comes as no surprise. Nuclear Power, or should I say Nucular Power is coming back. Back in the ’70s and ’80s all the politicians and anyone who could make money on it loved Nuclear power. Then came 3 Mile Island in 1979, which nearly blew half of Pennsylvania sky high. On Long Island where I am from we fought against The Shoreham Nuclear Plant going online, and won. There were no emergency plans to get people off the Island should the whole thing blow up. Then in 1985 we had Chernobyl in Russia which killed thousands immediately and who knows how many came down with Cancer even to this day.
So it’s only Natural that Bush and The Republicans (as well as some Democrats who as we know are mostly Republicans under a different name judging by whats been going on lately) are full throttle behind Nuclear power plants.
They make money, of course, and who knows maybe there will be an accident where thousands of people would die. Bush would have no problem with that. So of course not only are they behind it, they are using or tax money to make sure it happens as much as possible
Energy Bill Aids Expansion of Atomic Power
NY Times
The biggest champion of the loan guarantees is Senator Pete V. Domenici of New Mexico, the ranking Republican on the Senate Energy Committee and one of the nuclear industry’s strongest supporters in Congress.
Senator Jeff Bingaman, Democrat of New Mexico and the energy bill’s author, has long argued that nuclear power plants do not need federal loan guarantees. Mr. Bingaman said that the industry was over-interpreting the provision and that it would provide loan guarantees for only the most innovative power plants.
But the provision has the potential to considerably expand the nuclear industry, which plans to build 28 new reactors at an estimated cost of about $4 billion to $5 billion apiece. And while the nuclear industry would be the biggest beneficiary, the provision could also set the stage for billions of dollars in loan guarantees for power plants that use “clean coal” technology and renewable fuels.
The nuclear industry is enjoying growing political support after decades of opposition from environmental groups and others concerned about the risks. An increasing number of lawmakers in both parties, worried about global warming and dependence on foreign oil, support some expansion of nuclear power.
HLs Take
Well I guess there are only 2 choices. Dependence on foreign oil which means never ending war in Iraq, Iran and elsewhere, and $3.00 a gallon, or we can have Nuclear Power Plants which could blow up and kill tens of thousands. If only there were a third choice, one that could provide a safe, clean energy. Too bad there is no way to use the Sun for power. Oh yeah there is, but Politicians, and the oil industry won’t make Billions off of that.
August 1st, 2007 at 7:42 pm
HL to start with 3 mile island wasn’t even close to killing people. As to Chernobyl that was nothing but people not knowing what they were doing. In case you didn’t know it there are 2 reactors that are close enough to you right now that if they went up you would not live through it. They are both on the coast down by Oceanside.
Just to let you know our Navy has been using nuclear reactors for a long time and they have never had any problems with them.
August 2nd, 2007 at 4:18 am
The French have used nuclear safely for decades. They store all their wastes in a house in downtown Le Harve. But we would have to bury it in mountains in the desert costing billions.
Nuclear power became a disaster when Congress decided to have government regulate it instead of the insurance agencies. Congress set up the NRC, which has practically destroyed the industry. The NRC decided in those asinine cooling towers, had an artist design the control rooms, had checking tags put over the dials (so one can’t see them), and added so many regulations and fees, that what was supposed to be so cheap, the power companies would not bother putting electric meters on our homes, made electricity costs even more expensive as they shut down many completed nuclear power plants. Typical of government.