More Soldiers Desserting The Big Bush Failures.
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts), Videos on April 16th, 2007 5:08 am by HL
CNN: Dramatic increase in Army desertions
Phil McDowell joined the military because of patriotism he felt after 9/11, reports CNN. He then served a year in Iraq because he thought he was fighting for a just cause.
“I did believe it was a just cause at the time,” he says. “I thought that was something that, our country was under attack, and [Saddam Hussein] was facilitating these attacks, and he was a threat to us.”
But in light of evidence that Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction and there were no credible ties between Iraq and al Qaeda, McDowell changed his mind and became “disillusioned,” reports CNN.
McDowell finished his tour and tried to leave the military, but was “stunned to learn the rules had changed and he was being called for another tour.”
So, McDowell fled to Canada, part of a growing group of US army deserters
April 16th, 2007 at 10:02 am
Well I hope that McDowell likes Canada because if he comes back to the US he can be shot for desertion and should be along with all the others that have done the same thing. As for his “tour” being over when he got done in Iraq, maybe he should have read the fine print that states that you serve a no less that 4 year hitch which means that you can go back at any time. You don’t just serve 1 year and than get out.
I love these people that don’t know how to read what they are signing and than say that the rules changed.
This is just another one of your lame attempts to make the Admin look bad HL and it hasn’t worked. You should really start checking your facts before you post things like this.
Your buddy McDowell didn’t get this enlistment because they just started doing it but this is the “shortest” and if you read it is still a possible 8 years.
Recruits in the new 15-month program could serve in 59 of the more than 150 jobs in the Army, including the combat infantry, and then serve two years in the Reserve or National Guard. They would finish their eight-year military obligation in the Guard or Reserve, volunteer programs such as AmeriCorps or the Peace Corps, or the Individual Ready Reserve, a pool of former active-duty troops who can still be called to duty but aren’t affiliated with any military unit.
April 16th, 2007 at 2:55 pm
Hey Bill, I thought you said that the army is meeting all it’s recruitment goals, If that is the case why did they have to extend the tours of soldiers who were ready to come home from 12 months to 15. You would think they wouldn’t have to lie to the soldiers that they say they support about when they are coming home if they have full recruitment. Or mabye it was you that was lying (again)
April 17th, 2007 at 10:02 am
Well HL If you had read the post you would have seen that those were RE-UPS that wasn’t new enlistments. Second how is the military lieing to these guys when nothing in their contract says that they will only be put in combat for “1” tour. Next if the new people going in aren’t smart enough to read what they are signing than they deserve what they are getting. Do you sign things without knowing what it is and what it says? So you can try all you want to spin this in any way you want but it isn’t going to work. They signed a contract with the government if they didn’t read it than that is their fault if they did and still signed it than they have nothing to complain about. But since you have never been in the military than you wouldn’t have a clue what it is that they signed nor what it said. You are going off what someone else has said.
As for the re-ups and the new enlistments why don’t you go look the figures up if you think that I am lieing. But since you wouldn’t like the facts telling you that you are wrong and that the enlistments are still up than you wouldn’t do that you would rather call someone a lier. That’s a lib for you, don’t like the facts just say they are lieing.
April 17th, 2007 at 1:40 pm
You said nothing about re-ups you said they were meeting all their recruitment goals.
April 17th, 2007 at 8:40 pm
any ONE signs up for the military to serve this nation, KNOWS the chance of giving his/her life.TO THIS THIS CAUSE HE GIVES HIS WORD,AND IF A MAN CAN NOT STAND TO HIS WORD THAN HE IS WORTHLESS AND DESERVES TO BE SHOT. YOU MY BOY,HL, WOULD KNOW NOTHING OF HONER AND STANDING TO YOUR WORD. And if they r called back to to do over time,or willing go back that is wrong? let me guess you have never had to work long hours for a job you were hired to do, NO of course not,you do not know the meaning of DEDICATION. When i take pay for a job i give them a job well done to the best of my ablilty. You have the freedom to bicth like a welp of a pup because of these people they alone let you keep that right and you want to take it away
April 18th, 2007 at 7:27 am
So Doug, you have never in your entire life said you were going to do something and then didn’t do it? Good thing because you would then have to be shot. You talk about Honor (or is that Honer, why am I debating with people who are so illiterate they can’t spell even the simplest of words? and yes I occasionally spell one wrong too but not in every sentence with words a 3rd grader should know) where is Bush’s Honor, when soldiers go off to fight a war for a year, then are called back a second and third time then have their tours extended again for another 3 months. Where is the honor in that? Bush has dishonored our troops with his repeated willful failures so he can continue to pump oil out of unmetered wells. Soldiers signed up thinking they were going over there for a year, yes they might have something in their contracts that says they may have to go back time and time again. Most didn’t know that going in or they wouldn’t have gone in the first place. Also Doug, when do you ship out? I bet a year in Iraq would change your views just like it changes the views of the soldiers who thought killing ragheads was “cool,†these guys are not exactly geniuses and their backward ass republican (mostly) upbringing brainwashes them until they get over there and see what is really going on. Then they suddenly realize that war isn’t so cool after all. Especially when they realize they are on a mission of failure that Bush wants to prolong forever so he can continue to steal.
April 18th, 2007 at 7:56 am
HL tell me just were it is that the US is failing. And come up with something on your own not what the mainstream media is putting out there because they are wrong. They don’t show any close to the good that is going on you have to get that from a media over seas. They talk the war down as much as they can because they want the US to lose.
You keep spewing crap out of your mouth just like the media and want people to believe it wether you have the facts to support it or not.
I am still waiting for the FACTS that say that we are taking oil from Iraq and that it is our fault that 1000’s of people are dieing.
Now here’s a lesson on research for you HL. In other words FACT that the media will not put in the papers or on TV.
Apr 10 2007
The Department of Defense has announced its recruiting and retention statistics by the active and reserve components for the month of March. This marks the 22nd consecutive month the active duty services have met or exceeded their goals.
Active duty recruiting. All services exceeded their recruiting goals in March. The Army recruited 5,545 out of a goal of 5,500 (101 percent). The Navy recruited 2,749 out of a goal of 2,749 (100 percent). The Marine Corps recruited 1,936 out of a goal of 1,787 (108 percent). The Air Force recruited 2,172 out of a goal of 2,172 (100 percent).
Active duty retention. Retention in the services remains solid. The Army, Marine Corps and Air Force are meeting or exceeding overall retention missions. The Navy missed its first-term target, but achieved 99 percent overall.
Oh and by the way HL you talk about Douglas not being able to spell 3rd grader words apparently you can’t either because you have spelled the simplest of words wrong as well. And if that is all you can come back with on his post than you do need to get a life.
One more thing if Iraq is a lie than why is it that people are still enlisting knowing that they have a strong chance of going to Iraq. Guess your crap about this being an unjust war still isn’t getting through to everyone or they are seeing it for the lie that it is and not believing the media any more.
April 18th, 2007 at 8:01 am
and here is the last part of that.
07 Recruiting Statistics
Componant Accessions Goal Percent
33,953 31,850 107
15,750 15,750 100
Marine Corps
13,629 12,877 106
Air Force
13,487 13,487 100
Army National Guard 33,656 32,115 105
Army Reserve
12,981 14,167 92
Navy Reserve
4,449 4,874 91
Marine Corps Reserve
3,558 3,386 105
Air National Guard
4,779 4,657 103
Air Force Reserve 3,552 3,366 106
April 18th, 2007 at 2:59 pm
Sorry if i misspell a word oh-well never claimed to perfect. How ever I have never backed out when i gave my word, I may have a problem with spelling but that don’t make me stupid. If that was the case how did i get national certifacations in auto/heavy duty truck repair got to be a lttle smart to that. As for me shipping out to war to kill a few “rag heads” as you say. i was unable to join because of a weak lower back and bad knees else i would be there right now. I have no wish to kill any one, but will stand to protect those who can not defend themselves. Bill brought up a very good question—why did you delete his post, the only reason i can see is that you don’t want to see the real facts,they show just how afraid of the truth you realy are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He must spend alot more time doing reserch than you
April 18th, 2007 at 4:20 pm
I deleted his post because I will not have blatant lies on this site. Bill likes to make all kinds of statements with no facts to back them up. If I see something on here that I know is utter BS I delete it. You know how many times I have shot down his bunk with links and facts. What he claims are facts are his own imagination.
April 19th, 2007 at 7:36 am
Sure, if you’ll let anyone in your military (including criminals) you can reach your goals. Hey, with the lower standards maybe they’ll let in Bill and Douglas. Sign up!!
April 19th, 2007 at 3:55 pm
Hey Bill why don’t you come to CANADA so I can teach you a lesson in respect. McDowell went to the other side of the world to fight for the freedom of people who hate the USA. Lets pull out the troops and let Iraq figure it out for themselves.
April 20th, 2007 at 5:50 pm
Victor to start with the people in Canada are just like the French they will bend over and let terrorists do what they want with them and not do a thing about it. As for you giving me a lesson in respect that would be a challenge for you since most of the people in Canada don’t know what respect is let alone teaching someone what it is. As for the Iraqi people hating the US you need to learn to read more than just the liberal media crap.
anon.. To start with the military has alway taken criminals for a long time and will keep taking them. The military will NOT take you if you have these offences. Individuals with ten or more minor traffic offenses, six or more serious traffic offenses, ten or more Class 2 minor non-traffic offenses, six or more serious non-traffic offenses, or more than one felony are not eligible for a waiver.
April 21st, 2007 at 11:37 pm
Hay Vicki i grew up on the canadian boarder and know how little respect you people have. Bud out of matters you have no say in. you are as bad as the mexicans
Anon it is people like Bill and I that make it possible for dimwitted ass holes like you to live free and safe if. you don’t like America get the hell out