And Now..HL Does The News…For NBC News Raw
Posted in HLs NBC News Raw. Video Blogs, Main Blog (All Posts) on April 2nd, 2007 6:52 am by HL
Here is our weekly video blog for NBC News Raw. Every Monday we do the news and they run it on their site. Here is the latest Video News Headlines and stories from The HL. Have a look.
April 2nd, 2007 at 5:25 pm
Funny that you call what you do news
I call it lies and crap……….so it is almost as terrible as the networks
April 2nd, 2007 at 7:48 pm
Thats a great critique, you should see if Editor & Publisher is hiring.
Everything I say is verifiable, and you know it. So is this all you do all day is sit on this site and wait for me to post so you can hit me with your insults.
OK Buzz tell you what, you make a video of your “news” and I’ll run it right here on this site.
April 3rd, 2007 at 6:46 am
Wasn’t the Wolf and the CNN thing a bushwack. It seemed to cool to be in real time.
If I had the time I could put together a great Phony News Clip.
But then, Fox has been doing this for years and those belligerent people at Fox might sue me.
Has anyone ever looked into the Police Comms rise to wealth after he was put on the board of the stun gun manufacture that the NYPD endorsed when Keric was in charge.
April 3rd, 2007 at 1:18 pm
HL everything that you put on this site is the exact same thing that the Liberal media puts out and they have been proven wrong on a number of occations. They don’t care wether they are right or not. They have their agenda and they stick to it. And their agenda is to try and make Bush look as bad as they can, so they only put out the bad things. They did the exact same thing during the Vietnam conflict and if you say they didn’t than your an idoit because that has been proven time and time again. They didn’t report the truth during that war just like they aren’t reporting the truth about this one. They don’t want the US to be there and this their way of fighting it. You say that you can research things than why is it you refuse to research what they keeping reporting to find out if it is true or not. Everything that is see you post on here is just another artcle from the AP or MSNBC or some other place. You aren’t reporting a thing you are just copying what others have said and calling it news. Why don’t you scare some of us and actually research something and put you support sites as something other than AP or that crap. You and all your buddys bash Fox and any other news because you say that it is a conservative news station that lies for Bush. if that’s the case than tell me why is it that companys like ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN are loosing viewers to Fox as well as the papers. Fox is the youngest station out there and they have taken enough viewers away from the big news companys that they have to lay people off and offer big deals to get people to read their papers and watch their news. Sounds more like they are the ones that are doing their job the way it should be done and the rest are paying for it because everyone knows that the big 3 are Liberal channels and they are tird of watching them lie about the news or not telling them what is really going on. That’s is just a guess but since their all work on ratings and the papers work on units sold and they are all hammering on Fox I would say that that is pretty close to what is going on. You don’t like them because they tell the truth and you call it a lie. What’s that old saying. ” The truth Hurts” guess it’s right it does hurt and there are alot of people that can’t handle the truth because it’s not what they want to hear and HL you are fitting into that group real well.
April 6th, 2007 at 5:12 am
“HL everything that you put on this site is the exact same thing that the Liberal media puts out and they have been proven wrong on a number of occations. They don’t care wether they are right or not. They have their agenda and they stick to it. And their agenda is to try and make Bush look as bad as they can,”
What Liberal media is that? The one that enabled Bush to steal both elections by not reporting on all the theft that was going on? The one that stood by and played cheerleader for Bush when he was attacking Iraq? The one that printed Judith Millers lies about the so called WMD, yeah the media is so Liberal.
Oh and Bush doesn’t need the media to make him look bad, he does that all by himself every single day.
April 6th, 2007 at 1:18 pm
What Liberal media. Ok HL lets try this. The same Liberal media that doesn’t report the 1000’s or maybe millions of people that are dead that vote every year for a DEMOCRAT. Or the media that down plays or doesn’t even tell people about what a DEMOCRAT President was accused of or charged with in his past. Or how about a media that doesn’t Discipline a reporter for telling people he doesn’t care if they have proven the papers to be a fraud he says they are true. Or maybe a media that doesn’t investgate the facts about something a DEMOCRAT says they just take their word for it reguardless of others having FACTS to prove otherwise.
You talking about that Liberal media HL because that is what is on the TV and in the papers and that is what you keep posting on here.