Video: Mc Cain Lying About Being Able To Walk Through Baghdad (Through His Teeth)
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts), Videos on April 1st, 2007 8:04 pm by HL
BLITZER: Michael, when Senator McCain says that there are at least some areas of Baghdad where people can walk around and — whether it’s General Petraeus, the U.S. military commander, or others, are there at least some areas where you could emerge outside of the Green Zone, the international zone, where people can go out, go to a coffee shop, go to a restaurant, and simply take a stroll?
WARE: I can answer this very quickly, Wolf. No. No way on earth can a westerner, particularly an American, stroll any street of this capital of more than five million people. Wolf, you’d barely last 20 minutes out there. I don’t know what part of ‘Neverland’ Senator McCain is talking about when he says we can go strolling in Baghdad.”
April 2nd, 2007 at 4:54 pm
John McCain took a stroll through Baghdad dude and you cant handle it!
H.L., why is the democratic party so stupidly invested lock, stock, and barrel into defeat!
If world war III got heated up and nukes started flying that the democrats would think they would be better off politicaly if more and more cities got nuked! Im sure they would root for defeat.
April 3rd, 2007 at 9:33 am
I don’t think that you would evan think about going for a walk in bghdad. you dont have the balls to think about let alone go there. you are just jeulous. why don’t you go there your self and see what is going realy going on. I have had talked to many vets from there that will agree with McCain
April 3rd, 2007 at 12:54 pm
Poor HL everyone is picking on you because you keep posting the same crap that the Liberal media is posting and yet you have failed to verify if any of it is even true. You keep taking what the media is putting out there for everyone and saying that it is the truth. I guess you didn’t learn anything about the media from the crappy job that they did during the Vietnam war did you. They didn’t tell the truth during that war so why would you believe what they are saying now. You have come up with a hand full of bleeding hearts that say that they were over there and that is how it is and yet I have heard from more familys and people than you have ever come close to posting about that say that the media isn’t telling the truth or they aren’t telling the whole story. So since you can only come up with a hand full of people that can support your side of the story that leads me to believe that your side is wrong. Just like the issue about not being able to get more people in the military and I post the proof that you are wrong about that and that was just the re-ups that didn’t include the newbys going in. So do the internet a favor and give up you are fight a war with information that is either all wrong or not all there. Just like your arguement about the US going to war on a lie. Well Russia, Germany, China, FRANCE, and Britan all pitched in on the Information that got us into this war and you want to say that the only one that lied about this is Bush. That’s what I mean about your information is either all wrong or you are only using part of it. The part that helps your cause and you don’t like people telling you your wrong because it isn’t in your scope of things. Well maybe if you started looking at all the facts and stopped taking everything that the media put out as true and total fact than maybe your life wouldn’t be as misserable as it is and you might even start liking life more. Even though I don’t see that ever happening. You will never be happy until the Government is running everyones life and everyone has the same amount of money, land, cars, kids, and what ever else.
Just for your information HL that’s not the way this country is though, you get what you work for.
April 6th, 2007 at 5:50 pm
Hey HL if McCain is lieing about being able to walk through the streets of Bagdad than why is it that today in the Iraqslogger they have an article about familys enjoying the day at the Baghdad’s al-Zawraa Park. They should be scared for their lives that they will get shot or a bomb might go off and kill all of them. Bagdad isn’t safe to walk around the streets right now you know.
You keep posting your liberal agenda and trying to make it sound like Iraq is worse than it is and people like me and buck will keep bringing your dream back to the real world.