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Major Swift Boat Donor To Kerry: “You’re A Hero”

Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on February 28th, 2007 10:51 am by HL

Major Swift Boat Donor To Kerry: “You’re A Hero”

There are some things that you just don’t want to read about or watch on a full stomach — this is one of those.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing on Tuesday to consider the nomination of Sam Fox, a wealthy St. Louis businessman, to be the new U.S. Ambassador to Belgium. While it is not unusual for big political donors to be rewarded with ambassadorships — and Fox is a huge donor to all things Republican — what made everyone take note of this guy is that Fox gave a whopping $50,000 to help fund the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth smear campaign against John Kerry in 2004.

And in being questioned by the Senate panel yesterday, Fox had to face one of the senior members of that committee in… Senator John Kerry.

What followed was riveting theater, with Kerry coldly staring down a clearly-nervous Fox and Bush’s nominee withstanding a barrage of questions from Kerry that the Massachusetts Senator nicely referred to as questions of Fox’s “judgment” while many of us would have just flat-out called him a scumbag.

Kerry: …notwithstanding the comments you made, you did see fit to contribute a very significant amount of money in October to a group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, correct?

Fox: Correct.

Kerry: Why would you do that given what you just said about how bad they are?

Fox: Well, Senator, I have to put it in the proper context and bear with me. Marilyn and I have lived the American dream — there’s no question about it. My father came here with the clothes on his back and the Fox family and the Woodman family have truly lived the American dream that’s been very, very good to us….

Kerry: So, well, who asked you to give to the SBVT?

Fox: I can’t tell you specifically who did because, you know, I don’t remember. As a matter of fact, if I…

Kerry: You have no recollection of why you gave away $50,000?

Fox: I gave away $50,000 because I was asked to.

Kerry: But you have no recollection of who asked you to give away $50,000?

Senator Barack Obama (D-IL), who was chairing the meeting, told Fox that he found his answers to Kerry “somewhat unsatisfying” and said that “The swift boat ads were of a different degree, even in the ugly arena of politics. They were extraordinarily well publicized, that there was essentially a fraud being perpetrated on the American people. It had a profound impact on the election.”

And Obama tied a nice bow around the whole afternoon by basically calling Fox, who spent the entire time disavowing any knowledge of the Swift Boaters’ mission or methods, a liar.

HL’s Take
And that is precisely why Barack Obama can become President and Kerry can’t. Honesty. Obama calls him a liar, Kerry doesn’t bother to fight back and just accepts the loss that didn’t even really happen. Of course this Fox guy will probably get his post anyway. Hell Kerry will probably even vote Yes for him. At least we know Obama won’t. Thats lots more, check out the whole article.

2 Responses to “Major Swift Boat Donor To Kerry: “You’re A Hero””

  1. Buzz Says:

    keep saying it HL say it til you believe it is true

    the belief will give you powers beyond your wildest dreams

    then you can fly backwards around the planet at super speed and reverse time

    and watch it happen all over again

    if whatever you say was stolen was actually stolen they would have caught the crook buy now

    I understand you are upset because Kerry never reported the robbery but whatever man give it a rest already

  2. Bill Says:

    HL if you think that Barack will become President because of honesty than you need to put the pipe down and go get some better dope because Barack isn’t honest and that has been comming out more and more.
    Try reading this about your Barack
    Black Leaders: Obama Can’t Win
    Posted Feb 13th 2007 2:42PM by Patrick Casey
    Filed under: President 2008, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama

    Quite a remarkable statement coming from two Democrat black leaders in South Carolina, who coincidentally are supporting Hillary Clinton for President. I guess this is going to be Hillary’s strategy – have her minions in the black old-school Civil Rights movement (both original, like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, and their newer acolytes) hammer Obama using race, so that she can claim that her hands are clean:
    COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP, WLTX) — Two black leaders in South Carolina are supporting New York Senator Hilllary Clinton’s 2008 White House bid.

    Charleston Senator Robert Ford and Hopkins Senator Darrell Jackson told The Associated Press they think Clinton is the only Democrat who can win.

    …Ford says he likes Obama, but thinks his candidacy would hurt Democrats. Ford says every Democrat on the ticket would lose with Obama as the presidential candidate because he is black.
    Hmmm. Make an overtly racial charge and blame it on the other guys. Gotta love their sense of victimhood, though
    Here’s another one
    Obama: Military Lives “Wasted”
    Posted Feb 12th 2007 6:19PM by Scott
    Filed under: Gaffes, Dem Leadership, War on Terror, Barack Obama

    In what promises to be the first of many gaffes, Senator Barack Obama says that the more than 3,000 U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq were “wasted” lives. No sir, they were not wasted, they died defending our nation.
    One of the steadfast beliefs of the anti-war left is that Iraq is not part of the greater War on Terror. They break out the canard that Saddam was just hanging all by his lonesome and would never, ever, have done anything that would cause harm to the US. That feeble-minded theory was quashed with relative ease by Richard Miniter and others.

    Alas, when hit over the head with facts, our leftist neighbors still can’t get it through their skulls. I submit as proof that while we are in Iraq, we have sucked Jihadists from all over the Middle East into the battle, keeping them from planning attacks like 9/11, the Khobar Towers bombing, the African embassy bombings and the attack on the USS Cole that killed 19 US Navy Sailors. Put as simply as possible, we have not been attacked again.

    Barack Obama is dynamic, smart and an excellent candidate. He is also very green when it comes to campaigning and will be challenged daily by the Clinton machine.

    Update: 2/13/07 1541: Obama has apologized:

    “Even as I said it, I realized I had misspoken,” Obama said. “It is not at all what I intended to say, and I would absolutely apologize if any (military families) felt that in some ways it had diminished the enormous courage and sacrifice that they’d shown.”

    Sorry, I don’t buy it. A man who makes his words by talking knows excatly what he’s saying and Obama said exactly what he, and many on the angry, antiwar left think.

    Yeah you keep counting on Barack HL he’s a real winner.