It’s Presidents Day: Oh Yeah, He’s The Worst Alright
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on February 18th, 2007 10:56 am by HL
Bush looks to historic parallels for final legacy
As Bush marks the Presidents Day holiday and George Washington’s 275th birthday on Monday, he faces a drumbeat a criticism for the event that will likely be a big part of his legacy — the Iraq war.
The president believes it will take some time to determine his place in the pantheon of presidents, despite the negative assessments some historians have already made.
Many in the current crop of historians are already prepared to declare Bush’s presidency a failure.
In a December opinion article in The Washington Post, Columbia University history professor Eric Foner wrote that Bush was likely to join mediocre presidents like Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan and Andrew Johnson.
Foner’s article was headlined, “He’s the worst ever.”
H.L.s Take
Thats absof**kinglutley 100% Correct. Bush is not not a mediocre President, he is no Pierce, Buchanan, or Andrew Johnson. He is not a bad President like Nixon, Harding or Reagan. He is THE WORST PRESIDENT IN U.S. HISTORY. Make no mistake the historian will agree, he is the stupidest, most arrogant, most murderous empty suit to ever occupy the oval office, and we can thank his daddy his brother jeb, and The Supreme Court, and the state of Ohio for him. Happy President’s Day everyone.