Hilary: Illusion, or Reality?
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on February 10th, 2007 4:39 pm by HL
The Hillary Illusion
Op-Ed News
The truth is that there are portions of this country that are not ready to vote for a woman, let alone this woman.
Most people either love her or they hate her. But love her or hate her nearly everyone has already made their mind up about her. A candidate like Obama or Edwards, people still will give a chance to get to know. Not so with Hillary. Make no mistake, she can win the primaries, but in a general election, she would start the GOP with 200-230 electoral votes. Then the Republican Party can concentrate their vast efforts and fortunes on those small handful of swing states and overwhelm her.
Too much doom and gloom you think? Ask yourself in all seriousness what states will not elect a woman, and then move into those that have a natural anti-Hillary slant. What are you left with? Not too many my friends.
H.L.s Take:
This guy makes some interesting points in this article buy I disagree with his main premise. I looked at the 2004 Electoral Map.
I seriously doubt that any of the states that voted Democratic last time are going to switch over after the continued failure of the Repbulicans. So all Hilary has to do is win Ohio, which of course Kerry won in ’04, and she’s in. Of course since Hilary (and Bill) are fighters, they are not going to just give Ohio away like Kerry did. Bush “won” (stole) the election last time by 34 Electoral votes, which means Hilary needs to pick up 18 votes. Ohio has 20. She should also have no trouble winning Louisiana after the Bush Katrina debacle, I think she is also capable of taking Colorado (9) New Mexico(5) and Nevada (5), and there are other red states that could turn blue by 2008 so even if Hilary somehow lost Ohio she could still pull enough votes to win. The main thing though will be Ohio, all she has to do is not let the Republicans steal it again
February 10th, 2007 at 5:34 pm
Yep! 230! Then you throw in Mississippi (6) and Texas (34)! You have 270! 270 reasons why the global war on terror will continue!!
February 10th, 2007 at 6:04 pm
stop asking if hillary can win or not. it is a bullshit question. the real question is – who can beat her? name one GOP in the race right now who can?
there is not one. she is going to win it all. Kerry’s states, plus ohio. end of story.
her competition is a mormon. a mayor. and an old man who sold his soul to george bush.
gee- a mormon or a woman? a mayor who is pro abortion or a clinton. a 73 year old bush hawk in 2008 or hillary. wake up. stop looking at her as if it is 2001. she figured it out. a while ago.
bill will cover any gaps for her. sorry kids, everyone has this wrong. she can only lose the white house to someone from her own party.
February 11th, 2007 at 8:36 am
Hey Buck, Texas and Mississippi were already counted in the 230, So you are going to have to find states that went blue last time to go red this time. That is unless you can steal Ohio again.
February 11th, 2007 at 11:33 am
I knew you meant that, Im just hacking on you! Hey but like you said, Bush won by 34 electoral votes! That means the Lone star State sealed the deal ! The modern democratic party is a solid anti-war party! That keeps the numbers smaller than what they would be for the democratic party. You have your map wrong H.L.! Bush carried Wisconsin in 04 against Kerry!
Hillary will pick up Wisconsin this time around, but come up bitterly short in Ohio! Then the complainers will have four more years to yak about conspiracys, and stolen elections! yak yak yak!!
February 11th, 2007 at 3:06 pm
Actually Kerry did get Wisconsin,
Ohio should be the “decider”
But if you look at that map in the link, you can go back to any election, check out the states that Bill pulled in ’92 and ’96. She’ll get some of those states just because Bill is there to campaign for her.
February 11th, 2007 at 7:13 pm
Arkansas 100.0% of 2,599 precincts reporting
Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
George Bush (I) Rep 566,678 54.3%
John Kerry Dem 464,157 44.5%
Ralph Nader Pop 6,031 0.6%
Michael Badnarik Lib 2,330 0.2%
Michael Peroutka CST 2,106 0.2%
David Cobb Grn 1,486 0.1%
Updated: 11/11/2004 2:29 PM ET
Lets see what else we got!
February 11th, 2007 at 7:33 pm
Louisiana 100.0% of 4,124 precincts reporting
Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
George Bush (I) Rep 1,101,873 56.7%
John Kerry Dem 819,150 42.2%
Ralph Nader TBL 7,026 0.4%
Michael Peroutka CST 5,203 0.3%
Michael Badnarik Lib 2,780 0.1%
Walter Brown PWF 1,793 0.1%
Gene Amondson Pro 1,565 0.1%
David Cobb Grn 1,276 0.1%
James Harris SWP 985 0.1%
I bet you were talking about these two states H.L. Nothing doing! Do you see those percentages? Do you see the margins of victory? Slick was a southern governer! This is post 9?11. A New York anti-war liberal like Hillary aint going to carry either won! It wont even be close! All the people who were affected by Hurricane Katrina voted for Kerry anyway!! They will vote for Hillary now just the same, storm or no! Hillary aint going to be able to overcome a 14 point gap from the 04 loss of Lousianna and will drop it as well! Now, Arkansas! Same thing! Bill will make it closer for her in Arkansas, but again a 10 point gap will be too much to overcome! Too many gun lovers in Arkansas, NRA membership way up! The dems can hang up the South as usual! hint..hint…hint…hint…hint…hint…as long as the dems are an antiwar party they will NEVER again win the presidentcy ! Buck out!!!!