Meet Me In The Street Tomorrow
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on January 26th, 2007 12:12 pm by HL
Don’t forget tomorrow is the big… Bring the Troops Home Now! Stop Funding the War! Saturday, January 27 For more info call 323-464-1636 or email Join us this Saturday, Jan. 27 at an anti-war protest in downtown Los Angeles. The protest is being sponsored by the Jan. 27 Action Coalition, a coalition of many progressive LA-are groups and individuals. ANSWER and Youth & Student ANSWER will have a large and lively contingent in the protest with banners, signs, drums and mobile sound. Be part of the ANSWER contingent and help do outreach for the upcoming mass anti-war march and rally on March 17, the 4th anniversary of the Iraq war.
Jan. 27 Anti-War March & Rally in LA
10 am: Meet at ANSWER Office to carpool: 1800 Argyle Ave, #410
12 noon: Join the ANSWER Contingent at 9th and Figueroa, LA
March to the downtown federal building.
This march will be occuring at the same time as the huge anti-war march in Washington D.C.
Antiwar protesters target Congress
Christian Science Monitor
Organizers expect more than 300,000 people to converge in Washington this weekend seeking more than resolutions.
When thousands of Iraq war protesters gather in Washington Saturday, their chants and amplified speeches are likely to be heard inside the secure grounds of the White House where the commander in chief has made his case for sending more troops into combat.
But the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue – the Capitol and the Democratic-led Congress – is where they most aim their message.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is the main political target. War protesters want something tougher than nonbinding resolutions opposing the “surge” in additional US forces. Some want hearings on the controversial basis for the war itself, perhaps leading to the impeachment of President Bush.
It’s not just the nation’s capital, where busloads of people from at least 30 states are headed to make their voices heard.
Of course these marches are just the pre-cursor to the even larger demonstrations that will take place in March on the 4th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq