Jim Webb responds to Bush Speech
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on January 24th, 2007 12:10 pm by HL
Did you see Bush’s speech last night? I didn’t. A friend of mine called up and said, “are you watching the speech?” I said no I’ve already seen it. “What do you mean its on live now?” he asked. Trust me I’ve seen it time and time again I replied. While the speech was on I was watching a show about the rivalry between The Lakers and Celtics in the ’80s. Magic Johnson, and Larry Bird are two of the greatest basketball players ever, and made the NBA what it is today. James Worthy, Kareem Abdul Jabber, Robert Parrish, and Kevin Mchale also made it one of the greatest sports rivalries ever. It makes todays NBA look lame in comparison. I did happen to flip past the speech at one point as it was on so many channels, and all I saw was everyone in the place (democrats especially) giving the monkey standing ovations for everything he said. “Ah the usual circle jerk” I thought to myself. The entire congress giving Bush a collective handjob. Yep seen it all before many times. Anyway here is Jim Webb’s response to Bush, he slams him on the war after the dems, gave him countless standing O’s. Good work dems.