Jeb Bush Relies on “Imaginary Friend†to Help him Govern
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on January 8th, 2007 2:58 pm by HL
Gov. Bush & his mystical buddy
Jebbie and “Chang” Share a Moment
After more than an hour of solemn ceremony naming Rep. Marco Rubio, R-West Miami, as the 2007-08 House speaker, Gov. Jeb Bush stepped to the podium in the House chamber last week and told a short story about “unleashing Chang,” his “mystical warrior” friend.
Here are Bush’s words, spoken before hundreds of lawmakers and politicians:
”Chang is a mystical warrior. Chang is somebody who believes in conservative principles, believes in entrepreneurial capitalism, believes in moral values that underpin a free society.
”I rely on Chang with great regularity in my public life. He has been by my side and sometimes I let him down.
H.L.s Take
He can’t even keep his imaginary friend (what is he? 6 years old?) happy, imagine how the people of the state he leads must feel about him. The whole damn family is insane, and should be stopped now.
July 25th, 2007 at 10:55 am
Realy, realy nice work! I was impressed! My own are