Defeat Pombo Get Out the Vote Drive Tomorrow
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on November 3rd, 2006 8:56 am by HL
Join the Sierra Club in defeating Richard Pombo. In addition to being against stem cell research he is also the leading anti-environment politician in the nation. He wants to pollute your air and water so oil companies can make another Billion this month.
Defeat Pombo Days of Action!
Sierra Club
Richard Pombo is one of the most anti-environmental representatives ever to serve in Congress. He entered the House with a stated goal of unraveling the wildlife protections of the Endangered Species Act and supporting a radical vision of property rights that undermines environmental laws and enriches polluters and developers. He aligned himself with the most extreme and members of the House Republican leadership. He is the largest California recipient of money from the convicted lobbyist- felon Jack Abramoff and the clients he defrauded, and owes his Resources Committee chairmanship to his close association with disgraced former Republican leader Tom DeLay.
H.L.s Take:
They are having a get out the vote drive in the 11th district, which is in the San Francisco bay area. Word has it that they will be going around educating constituents about Pombo. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are scheduled to be there. So if you live in the 11th, you might get a knock on your door from Ben and Jen tomorrow.