Bush Breaking New Records Every Day
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on October 23rd, 2006 10:23 am by HL
U.S. endures deadliest month of ’06 in Iraq
Dallas Fort Worth Star Telegram
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Two U.S. troops were killed in fighting Saturday, a Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team 5 and a soldier of the 82nd Airborne Division’s 3rd Brigade Combat Team, the military said Sunday.
That brought the U.S. death toll in October to 80, the highest of any month this year. The previous worst month was April with 76.
With more than a week left in the month, October is on course to be the deadliest month for American service members in two years.
The carnage in three different attacks on holiday shoppers in Baghdad came at the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, over which an average of about 43 Iraqis have been killed each day, according to an Associated Press count. That compares to an average daily death toll of about 27 since April 2005. The AP count includes civilians, government officials and police and security forces, and is considered a minimum based on AP reporting.
The actual number is likely higher, as many killings go unreported. The United Nations estimates about 100 Iraqi civilians are killed each day.
H.L.s Take
I read a Bush quote where he said that we will stay in Iraq even if the only people that still agree with him are his wife and dog. Well forget about Laura, she’ll never tell Georgie he is wrong even though she knows he is. Maybe we can talk to the dog, and get him to straighten Bush out, it’s our best chance. Here is a conversation Bush had with his dog on April 17, 2005

Well Gas prices have come down, (of course they are still much higher then they were before they went up) But as the Republicans keep reminding us The President has nothing to do with the price of gas, it’s a coincidence that they are coming down just before the election
October 24th, 2006 at 5:53 pm
I think your site and your views are so misguided. You take exerpts and repeat them incorrectly. Instead of trying to do something worth while, you call people names and spew mistruths. This is why liberals are not going to last. Instead of finding solutions, you just point your finger and wrongfully accuse people and the administration. While Bush would not be my first choice as president, he is 299 million times better than Kerry.
October 24th, 2006 at 9:12 pm
So tell me “Independent”, what solution do you propose?
My training requires that I identify (pointing the finger at it) the problem first. Then analyze the problem. Then seek solutions.
The problem with all of you Bush defenders that post on this site is that you defend the indefensible.
Wit, Kerry is OLD news. So why do you bother to bring him up?
You remind me of all of those tired and repeated Republican claims. But you have NO new ideas. You say nothing that matters to INDEPENDENTS like myself. Or anyone else for that matter.
October 25th, 2006 at 9:20 pm
Yup HL Bush is the one controling the price of gas. Here’s a lesson for you to learn on how the price of gas works.Big Oil and the Big O can’t control the price of oil, even though OPEC really, really wants to. Oil prices are set by supply and demand in a global market.
Many people think OPEC controls oil prices, however, for at least three reasons:
OPEC certainly acts like it sets the price of oil. It holds meetings and issues press releases and sets “quotas” for its members.
Oil prices often go on bumping up and down like OPEC never existed.
It’s obvious that the world’s biggest oil producers can increase price by curtailing production.
Here’s the catch: Any producer big enough to manipulate the market by slashing production can’t benefit from the resulting higher price.
And any producer big enough to crash prices by increasing production will suffer from doing so.
If any country could control oil prices, it would be Saudi Arabia. This is why it can’t.
People assume that if OPEC didn’t exist, all major producers would open the spigot and produce oil at the maximum possible rate, which makes no sense whatever.
Oil producers behave exactly like producers in any other industry. When inventories are low and prices are high, they produce more. When inventories are high and prices are low, they produce less.
Nobody needs OPEC to tell them to do that.
October 25th, 2006 at 10:28 pm
Were we talking gas prices? Nope. Who set up OPEC? Do you know? Are you an economist? Can you explain why fuel prices (US) fluctuate so much? Are supplies limited now? Are they more abundant now? Who sits on OPEC? Can you name the members?
Now that you’ve lectured me on OPEC, say something about my original post and the article that began this thread. Can you?
October 26th, 2006 at 8:49 pm
Well LA if you read what I posted than you would know I was talking to HL about his comment about the price of gas going down because of the Pres. And as for who OPEC is from what time frame do you want to talk about. It started in 1960 with Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela. In 1961 Qatar joined in 1962 Libya and Indoneisa joined in 67 United Arab Emrites, 69 was Algeria, 71 was Nigeria. But than in 73 was Ecuador, and 75 was Gabon but they withdrew in 92 and 94. As for explaining why the price of gas goes up and down in the US try reading what I posted.
Alright LA you want to talk about the topic if this section fine lets talk about the death toll of troops Bush hasn’t set a record with the number of troops and hasn’t even come close. You want a run down of death tolls from war to war here. For World War I, over 6,100 per month. For World War II, over 9,200 per month. In Korea, over 900 killed-in-action each month (non-battle death information is not available). For Vietnam, over 600 per month. For Gulf War I, almost 300 in one month.
Now wise ass what have you got to say about that. That’s according to the United States Civil War Center, the fatalities of killed in action.
You want to talk about facts there you go. You want to try to belittle someone and act like you know everything. Your just a blow hard that repeats everything that his Liberal party feeds you and spews it back out. You can’t back things like the Michael J Fox stem cell bit up, all you can do is try to bash someone because of what they said or didn’t say. The sad part is that your own party does the same thing more often than any Republican has ever done things like that.
You have no plan for the problem in Iraq other than get our troops out of there which is what is hurting the Dem’s right now. You say that Bush is the worst Pres yet and yet the unemployment rate is down, more jobs have been created, the economy is up with the stock market setting records most every day. Yeah HL is right Bush is setting records. LA your just pissed because you see your Dem’s not getting the House and Senate.
October 27th, 2006 at 12:10 am
Are you saying that Bush has economized on war dead? You’re silly to compare Iraq casualties to other wars and justify the failed results because there are less US solders dead. Bush foreign policy is the absolute failure here. Iraq is in no better position that pre-invasion. The whole know that. The policy has been criticized from all angles of the polical spectrum. Military, academia, legal, workers, science, the street, geopolitical partners, and most important, the people want Bush gone.
Do you know my party? What’s that all about? You know shit about my party. And that’s because you don’t think before you categorize people because their point of view and historical view opposes yours. I don’t defend Dems on this blog. I just comment on issues, that’s it.
I’m not the only one that says Bush is the worst president in history. He also is biggest liar ever.
The issue isn’t the economy stupid. It’s the war, in case you didn’t know by now.
October 28th, 2006 at 1:51 am
LA is that why the most recent battleground poll shows that people between 18 and 30 are more interested in college and jobs and Iraq comes in third as to their concerns.Young Voter Strategies, a nonprofit, nonpartisan project at The George Washington University with support from The Pew Charitable Trusts, commissioned the poll in response to growing interest in the youth bloc from campaigns and elected officials on both sides of the aisle. The bi-partisan polling team of Celinda Lake of Lake Research Partners and Ed Goeas of The Tarrance Group conducted the Young Voter GW-Battleground Poll.
The poll surveyed 650 18-30 year olds from September 10 – 17, 2006, including an over-sample of Hispanics and African-Americans. The margin of error for the survey is +/- 4.4 percent. Key findings include:
Young voters are most focused on key “pocketbook†issues such as education, the economy, and health care, as well as national security and Iraq, but are not hearing from candidates on most of these issues:
• Education and the cost of college (17%), jobs and the economy (13%), and Iraq (11%) were cited as the top issues about which respondents would most like Congress to do something.