Bush Breaking New Records Every Day
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on October 23rd, 2006 10:23 am by HL
U.S. endures deadliest month of ’06 in Iraq
Dallas Fort Worth Star Telegram
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Two U.S. troops were killed in fighting Saturday, a Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team 5 and a soldier of the 82nd Airborne Division’s 3rd Brigade Combat Team, the military said Sunday.
That brought the U.S. death toll in October to 80, the highest of any month this year. The previous worst month was April with 76.
With more than a week left in the month, October is on course to be the deadliest month for American service members in two years.
The carnage in three different attacks on holiday shoppers in Baghdad came at the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, over which an average of about 43 Iraqis have been killed each day, according to an Associated Press count. That compares to an average daily death toll of about 27 since April 2005. The AP count includes civilians, government officials and police and security forces, and is considered a minimum based on AP reporting.
The actual number is likely higher, as many killings go unreported. The United Nations estimates about 100 Iraqi civilians are killed each day.
H.L.s Take
I read a Bush quote where he said that we will stay in Iraq even if the only people that still agree with him are his wife and dog. Well forget about Laura, she’ll never tell Georgie he is wrong even though she knows he is. Maybe we can talk to the dog, and get him to straighten Bush out, it’s our best chance. Here is a conversation Bush had with his dog on April 17, 2005

Well Gas prices have come down, (of course they are still much higher then they were before they went up) But as the Republicans keep reminding us The President has nothing to do with the price of gas, it’s a coincidence that they are coming down just before the election