Video: McKinney challenger says ‘Arab surnames’ of donors mean ‘I could say she’s under the control of terrorists’
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts), Videos on August 5th, 2006 9:35 am by HL
Video: McKinney challenger says ‘Arab surnames’ of donors mean ‘I could say she’s under the control of terrorists’
Raw Story
During a debate with Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA), primary challenger Hank Johnson alluded to the “Arab surnames” of some McKinney supporters before saying, “I could accuse her of being under the control of terrorists,” RAW STORY has learned.
McKinney had criticised Johnson for receiving money from Republican contributors, indicating that his participation in the primary was benefitting the party.
H.L.s Take:
The Democratic challenger is being funded by The Republicans. How nice of them. Let’s not forget that this runoff was made possible by massive voter fraud, just like all elections republicans win. And all because Cynthia has the balls to tell the truth about 9/11, and also has the balls to punch out an idiot cop who tried to manhandle her, because she didn’t show her congress ID to a guy who had seen her come and go many times during her 14 year career in congress. You go Cynthia, we need more congress people like you.
August 5th, 2006 at 1:08 pm
Hahaha. You are such an idiot. I bask in your irrelevance. Massive voter fraud. Please.
August 5th, 2006 at 1:57 pm
Yeah I am such an idiot.
Diebold Machines Flip Votes Against Cynthia McKinney
I don’t know what I am talking about
GA Dem Primary Votes Flipping from Cynthia McKinney to Opponent Hank Johnson”
Massive Voter Fraud
After one hour of voting, the McKinney campaign has
received numerous calls that the voting machines are malfunctioning.
Thank You.
August 6th, 2006 at 2:14 am
Been reading your site for a while, but never commented. I appreciate someone with some weight in the liberal blogosphere posting about the voting machines. Why liberals and democrats turn a blind eye to this, I don’t know. I don’t understand the psychology to it. Most computer experts are now hip to the fact that manipulating votes electronically can happen, but none are willing to say that it has, even though the numbers suggest it.
I even remember Al Franken dismissing the idea of E-voting fraud on the Bill Maher show. Apparently, after consulting with some MIT “experts”, he concluded that it couldn’t happen. Did his “experts” have acces to the “trade secrets” hidden in the software that the rest of us didn’t? Who knows. Sometimes I wonder whether the roadblock to fair elections are the republican operatives who stand in the way, or the democrats who look the other way.
August 6th, 2006 at 8:24 am
Thanks for writing in. Its a big mystery why The Democrats refuse to talk about E-voting. The only reason I can come up with is that they want to lose. They are getting paid off to lose, and since they are afraid of the republicans they just take the money and smile. I even asked John Kerry about it when I met him. He acted like he hardly even know about it. He just said that it was something they would have to work on. OK so where is the work?